Fine Line - Edward/Bella Fanfiction - Chapter 7

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All rights to Damsayshipper97


"Bella, I’m so sorry. I screwed up big time" Alice whined into her pillow. We had just woken the next morning and she was feeling as depressed as ever.

"Alice, it’s fine—"

"No, it’s not fine. You’re going to be here for 2 weeks and I’m grounded for one of them. What are you going to do all week?" she asked.

"I…have other friends. Besides, I have a boyfriend. I’m sure Mike will be more than thrilled to hang out" I assured her.

"Well, I guess that’s not so bad. But we were gonna have so much fun. It’s all ruined" she pouted. I stood up and grabbed a pair of jeans and a blue sweater.

"Look, the day you’re not grounded, we’ll go out and do something crazy!" I exclaimed.

She perked up a little bit at that, I knew her mind would be preoccupied with ideas of something ‘crazy’ to do. I left her mind whizzing and went down the hall to the bathroom. I noticed that the door had opened really easily for me, then realized someone else had pulled it from the inside.

I looked up and saw Edward. Oh God…..and for once I didn’t mean in a ‘disgust’ kind of way. He had just come out of the shower and had nothing but a towel covering his hips. His hair was dripping wet and his chest was so toned and muscular. I felt a blush surface to my cheeks.

"uh…You better not have…used all the hot water!" I snapped, to cover up. I don’t think it did any good because he just smirked down at me and walked past me to his room. I gulped and then slammed the door shut to hop into the shower.


Bella was the worst liar ever. I saw her blush, when she saw my abs. It was then that I realized I could get her any time I want…..not that I wanted to. I mean, yeah, I had kissed her again yesterday, but that was just to get rid of Tanya. It wasn’t because I wanted to feel her lips on mine again, or touch her body, or taste her sweet breath—-

STOP IT EDWARD! You can’t think like that. It’s…..Bella. BELLA, yeugh!!

A few hours later 

"Dude, didn’t you hear me calling? I said are you ready to go?" Emmett popped his head into my room.

I took of my earphones and looked at him. “Huh? Go where?"

He rolled his eyes and walked into my room. “Jessica’s barbecue, or did you forget?"

"Shit" I mumbled. I had forgotten we’d been invited to that her barbecue weeks ago"

"Ah fuck it, I don’t really feel like going" I shrugged.

"Suit yourself. I guess me and Bella will just go. Better bring Rosalie. Don’t want to be left alone when Bella ditches me for Mike" Emmett turned to leave the room.

"Hang on! Now that I think about it, maybe I will go. Should be fun, you know, with all the girls" I said and grabbed a t-shirt to change into. I noticed Emmett grin slyly before leaving the room.

At the Barbecue

This has to be the worst party ever. The entire day was just spent watching people make out or watching people trying to get someone to make out with. Bella had rushed off to find Mike as soon as we got here. Emmett and Rosalie disappeared after awhile, presumingly in one of Jessica’s rooms by now. Jasper had decided early on that he didn’t want to be here without Alice so he left. And Jessica spent all day flirting with me. 

Usually, I’d love a girl trying to get with me, made me feel like I had a lot of power. But I just wasn’t up for it today. I couldn’t get Bella out of my mind. I kept wondering where she was or what she was doing or what that creep was doing to her.

"So..Edward, what’s the deal? Are we gonna get freaky or not?" Jessica giggled, clearly having had a bit to drink. I ignored her and kept looking around to find Bella. 

"My room is right upstairs" Jessica whispered seductively in my ear. I looked around one more time, figured it was useless and let her drag me upstairs. As we passed one of the rooms I heard two muffled voices.

"Mike, stop it—"

"Come on Bells, you know you want to"

"No, I don’t just get off me—MIKE!" 

I burst through the door of the bedroom, leaving Jessica behind. Mike was on top of Bella and by the looks of things had just ripped the buttons open on her shirt. She had her hands on his chest trying to push him away. She stared at me in shock, as did Mike.

"Really? Can you not give us any privacy?" Mike slurred. I frowned at him.

"Edward don’t—" Bella started but I was already too angry.

"Get off her. NOW!" I yelled at him.

"Pfft, I’m not scared of you. You may seem like the ‘big guy’ at school but you’re not really. I’m just as much of a man as you" he said. I grabbed his shoulders and flung him off the bed. Bella grabbed her sweater to cover up her revealed chest. 

Mike swung his arm to hit my face but I ducked and punched his stomach first. 

"Go down to the car" I said firmly to Bella, throwing her the keys. 

"Edward—" she started again. “Go!" I replied. She ran out of the room. I watched as she left, not noticing Mike stammering up. He threw another punch to my face and it hit my squarely in the nose. I winced with the pain, but just punched him back. He fell across the bed and I took the opportunity to leave the room. I walked down to the car, holding my hand to my nose. Bella had put her sweater back on and was sitting in the passenger seat. I sat into the drivers seat and started the car.

"Did Mike do that to you?" she gasped when she saw the blood falling from my nose.

"Ya but it doesn’t matter" I grumbled. We rode in silence to my house. She sat with her arms folded, looking out the window.

"You didn’t have to do that, you know. I had everything under control" she mumbled. 

"Didn’t seem like it" I replied.

"He just..he just had a little too much to drink and—"

"Why are you making excuses for that douchebag?" I asked.

She frowned at me. “That ‘douchebag’ happens to be my boyfriend"

"Are you kidding me? You’re not breaking up with him after this?"

"What does it matter to you who I’m dating?" she yelled.

"Because you shouldn’t be dating him!" 

"It’s none of your business who—"

"You didn’t kiss him at Alice’s party. It was me. We kissed in that closet" I blurted out, before I knew what I was saying. I frowned and kept my eyes on the road. Her mouth gaped open a little bit. She was still for a moment before she turned her head to look at the windscreen. 

"….w-why didn’t you..tell me it was you?" she stuttered.

Because I was afraid you’d regret it. Because I was afraid you’d reject me. Because I wanted so damn bad to kiss you again but didn’t think you’d want to.

"Because…I….didn’t want you to think that I…liked you..or whatever" I groaned and stopped the car outside my house. I opened the door and slammed it behind me. Bella stayed in the car. I stopped for a moment but then kept walking towards the door, wanting to kick myself in the face.

Edward/Bella Fanfiction - Fine Line || On Hold ||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz