Fine Line - Edward/Bella Fanfiction - Chapter 22

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EPOV - The next morning 

I was woken by someone gently stroking my cheek. I gradually opened my eyes, but shot them open when I saw Bella’s face.

"Heyy" I croaked, smiling crookedly.

"Morning" she laughed. I grabbed her waist and pulled her down beside me on to the bed.

Me and Bella. In bed. When she’s wearing skimpy pyjamas. Not a good idea.

"I can’t believe this is our last day here" she sighed. 

"I know, our stay has definitely been…interesting" I laughed. She punched me lightly in the stomach.

"It hasn’t been perfect, but I wouldn’t change any of it" she said.

"Yeah me either. Well…I might change one thing"

"Oh yeah? And what’s that?" Bella asked, sitting up and kneeling to face me.

I half sit up on the bed. “Well..we’re leaving tomorrow morning, and we never had…well we never—”

"Ohhh" Bella smirked, realization spreading across her face. "Well we could change that" she said, biting her lip.

Man, she was hot! “What do you suggest?” I raised my eyebrows. I smirked and leaned into her face, only to meet her palm.

"Edward, I’m not going to kiss you. Your breath is stanky!" she exclaimed, jumping up from the bed. 

"What…really? No sugar for me?" 

"Oh pur-lease. What a lame thing to say!" Bella laughed, throwing a pillow straight at my face. 

"Get up, get dressed, and go through the day as normal. And then…later on tonight…well, nothing will get in our way" she winked, and in a second she was out of the room. 

She never ceased to amaze me, that girl!

RPOV - At the mall 

"Alice, have you even talked to Bella yet?" I asked. The two of us were shopping for some last minute sales. No such luck yet, anyways.

"Well I was planning to talk to her last night when I got home, but she was ‘asleep’, according to Edward" she replied.

"You don’t think she was actually sleeping?" I asked.

"Well, it just seemed pretty convenient if you ask me. Anyways, why is everyone acting like this is all my fault? She said some mean things to me too, why should I apologize first?" 

"Because you know if you don’t, she won’t. I swear, the two of you are the most headstrong idiots ever. If you don’t do something to work this out then you’ll lose each other. And I know you don’t want that." I said to her.

She sat down in the food court, pondering over what I had just said.

"Yeah, I guess you’re right. I mean, she is my best friend and all"

"Uh-hm" I coughed, loudly. 

"Oh..uh..I mean, one of my best friends" Alice quickly covered up. 

"That’s better" I mumbled.

"I just don’t get it. Bella and I have never fought before, why now?"

Maybe because she’s screwing your brother.  

"I don’t know" I replied, taking a sip from my drink, solely so I didn’t have to look her in the eye. 

"But I want to patch things up. We need to go home right now!" She exclaimed. 

Edward/Bella Fanfiction - Fine Line || On Hold ||Where stories live. Discover now