Fine Line - Edward/Bella Fanfiction - Chapter 13

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Goddamit Edward Cullen! Why did he have to be so beautiful? When I went to bed that night all I could think about was him. His green eyes that made me melt. His scent which made me quiver. His velvet voice, his built body, his perfectly-messy bronze hair. His lips. His lips on my lips, his tongue with my tongue, his hands feeling my body….moving closer down my chest…moving down and down until—-

"Bella? Are you okay?" Alice’s voices woke me from sleep. 

"What? Uh..yeah I’m fine" I said, flustered. I sat up in my bed and ran my hand through my hair. I was surprised to see that it was morning already. I wanted my dreams to go on forever. Or at least a bit further…

"Really? Because you were squirming around a lot. And kind of moaning" Alice sniggered.

I blushed and turned away from her.

"Bella Swan? Were you having a sex dream?" she laughed. 

"Shut up Alice" I smirked, getting up and grabbing some cute clothes to change into. 

I grabbed three quarter length grey shorts and a red halter neck. I tied my hair back into a loose ponytail, leaving some bits dangling in front. 

"So who was it about?" Alice asked me.

"No one Alice, it doesn’t matter" I mumbled. She sighed, but thankfully dropped it.

I didn’t quite know how to tell her that I was dreaming of her brother fucking me. 

We went downstairs to the kitchen table, where everyone else was already seated, apart from Carlisle, who was working. Rosalie and Jasper were there too, we had obviously slept in longer than we were supposed to. I took the only seat available, the seat opposite Edward. Man he looked good having just got out of bed. Damn it! This would be so much easier if he could just look hideous.

"Bella, do you want some waffles?" Esme asked.

"Um..yes please Esme, thank you" I said, still a bit flustered with everything.

She placed a plate of hot waffles in front of me. She went out of the room to pick up the phone which was ringing.

I went to grab the maple syrup, but dropped it when I felt Edward graze his foot against mine, under the table. Everyone turned there heads in question at me, Edward trying to hide a smirk.

"Why so jumpy Bella?" Emmett asked, amused.

" just.." I stuttered, not being able to concentrate, due to Edward’s continuation of footsie under the table, unbeknownst to everyone else.

"Oh..I know what it is" Alice smirked. Oh God no! She wouldn’t!

"Bella had a sex dream last night" she announced to the table. Edward’s foot immediately stopped playing with mine. Well, at least that shut him up.

"Wuhaaay, Bella!" Emmett yelled, too loudly. Jasper wolf-whistled and Rosalie laughed at my embarrassment. My cheeks were burning. I didn’t dare look at Edward.

"You should have seen her. She was moving around in bed, moaning and fisting the pillow. Whoever she was dreaming about, which by the way she refuses to tell me, must have been pretty damn good in bed" Alice smirked.

"Alice I beg you shut up" I squeaked. 

"So who was it Bells?" Rosalie asked.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Edward looking pretty satisfied with himself.

"It was…just a guy I used to know. A guy I used to date" I mumbled. Edward sat still, seemingly a little shocked and surprised. 

Thankfully the subject was dropped when Esme returned to the room. 

"So guys, that was your father. I have some news. Do you remember our old beach house? Well I know we haven’t been there in years, but we’ve decided that since you guys have been behaving so well, we’re allowing you to spend a couple of days there. Starting tomorrow. Jasper, Rosalie, Bella that includes ye. We trust you guys and know that you deserve some space for the Summer, so this is our gift to you" she said.

We were all shocked but everyone started screaming and jumping up and down in excitement, even Emmett. I was excited but I realized what this meant.

5 days, in a beach house, without parental supervision, with Edward. 


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