Fine Line - Edward/Bella Fanfiction - Chapter 21

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Sorry for not udating or so long!!!!

I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache. I know I had drank a bit, but I didn’t think I would be this bad. The memories of last night came flooding back to me, and I shuddered when remembering the screaming match between Alice and I.

How had things gotten so out of hand? I can’t imagine ever telling her the truth now, based on her reaction to Edward helping me, let alone being with me. 

I crawled my way out of my bed and went to open my curtains. As I did so, I looked out my window to see Alice hauling a bag into her car.

"Oh no" I muttered and quickly ran out of the room, ignoring the fact that I was still wearing my pajamas. I raced out of the house, over to her.

"Alice, no! Stop this! You can’t leave. Look I’m sorry about last night, but please don’t—" 

"Relax Bella" she interrupted me. "I’m not leaving, I’m just meeting some friends in town. Jasper’s coming too. Look, about last night I think we both said some things we didn’t mean. The best thing now is to just get some space. I’ll see you later this evening, okay?" she said, and hopped into the car that Jasper was already seated in.

She smiled weakly at me as they drove away from the house. I sighed and turned back to the house.

I met Edward at the door. He gave me a sympathetic look.

"Kill me now" I whined, leaning my head against his chest. He put his arms around me and chuckled.

"Alice will be fine. Never mind her" he said.

"I’m not so much worried about last night, as about what’s to come…when we have to tell her"

"Well I think that may be sooner than we thought" 

My head shot up and I raised my eyebrows questioningly. 

He sighed and stepped back from me. “Jasper knows”

"….WHAT?" I shrieked.

"Yeah, he figured it out last night. He promised not to tell Alice, but I mean…you know Jasper. And more importantly, you know Alice. If she finds out he has a secret, she’ll pull it out of him" 

"This is bad, Edward. We can’t delay this any longer" I moaned, walking over to the couch and flopping onto it. 

He came over and sat beside me. “So what are we going to tell her?” 

"I think we should just say how we didn’t plan this but it jus—"

"No, Bella, that’s not what I meant. What…are we?"

I looked up at him and smiled slightly. “I don’t know” I whispered.

"I mean, I love being with you, but I don’t know…what to call us" he said. 

Not knowing how to answer, I leaned into him and passionately kissed his lips. He kissed me back and slipped his tongue into my mouth. I moved my hands up to his hair and tousled it. He slid his arms around my waist and gently pushed me back so he was lying on me. 

"Eughh, at least try to conceal it" Emmett laughed, standing behind the couch. We jumped off each other to separate sides of the couch.

"Jesus Christ Emmett! How long have you been there?" Edward exclaimed. 

"Meh, 2 minutes" he said, and jumped over the couch so he was sitting in between us. He put his arms around Edward and I. 

"Isn’t this great? My little brother and my little Belly. Never in a million years would I have expected you two, but now I can’t imagine you with anyone else, eh?" he laughed loudly.

"Oh for God’s sake Emmett, I told you to be polite" Rosalie groaned, walking into the room. 

"I’m sorry" she said to me, shaking her head. 

"What? They love me being here!" Emmett protested. I shot a look at Edward and we both burst out laughing. 

This was what I wanted. Easiness. Effortlessness. I just wasn’t sure if I’d ever have that with Edward, which was what was preventing me from answering his question. 


"I mean it’s not like I meant to say what I did, but it just made me so mad, you know? And I know that Bella will be too stubborn to talk to me. I mean, I just thought it was weird the way Edward beat up Jacob after he kissed Bella? She could have easily told Jacob to back off. See that’s the thing, Bella may act like she’s all independent and what not, but deep down she wants—no needs— someone to take care of her. And that’s what I’ve been doing! Or at least trying to but do you think she’d ever——"

"Alice, I love you, and I don’t want to seem rude, but for the love of God, SHUT UP!" I laughed. Alice had been wittering on about last night for the whole journey. 

"Uh, I’m sorry. I’m rambling again, amen’t I? I just want Bella to be as happy as I am with you" she said, squeezing my arm.

"I know, but you need to back off a bit. Bella’s just fine" I insisted.

"Oh and how would you know that?" she asked. I bit my lip, restraining myself from telling her everything. It was the first time I had ever had to keep something this big from Alice, and I was not liking it.

"Well…you know…body language..I guess" I muttered. 

"I just don’t want her to be lonely anymore. And if she isn’t lonely, that means I have a lot more time for something else" she whispered seductively, into my ear. 

She came up close to me and kissed my neck lightly. 

" you wanna pull in?" I asked, hopefully. She smirked and nodded.

Hmm…I wonder would I still get this if she knew I was keeping something from her..

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