"Shawn, Bianca's in that van! Stop it right now!"

Shawn goes silent for a second, "we'll try our best."

At this point my breathing had become heavy. I'm terrified. Who knows the kind of terrible things Hades could do to her.

"Shawn. Send me some back up. Female bathroom, ground floor."

A minute later I'm surrounded by men who looked just as surprised as I did.

"Boss," one of them call. It was Steve, the dumbass. "Who's is this," he asks as he wiggles the finger.

I clenched my jaw. "Could you not do that! That's disgusting!" I yell. He grabs a tissue to hold it and places it in a bag. The rest of them where investigating the room and taking samples. I ended up leaving the bathroom because of the smell and noticed them take away the dead body of the bodyguard.

"What happened?" A new voice asks. I turn towards Jasmine with a scowl on my face. My hands shook with rage as I approached her.

I then grabbed her by the neck and slam her onto a wall. She screeches in shock.

"Asher!" Hazel and Clara yell from beside me.

"You did this!" I tell her. "You're the mole aren't you!"

Jasmine struggles out of my strong hold pathetically, looking terrified. "What are you talking about?! I'm not."

"Yes you are!" I yell, slamming her on the wall again. "You let them take her!"

At this point I want to break every single bone on her face because felt hurt and betrayed, but I knew I couldn't hurt her.

"Asher! I didn't do anything!" She cries.

"Oh really?!" I laugh coldly, "you gave her that gun didn't you! You removed the bullets because you knew this was going to happen!"

"I didn't do anything!" She yells back, tears brimming in her eyes. "What happened to her?!"

I felt someone grab my shoulder and pull me back. I let go of Jasmine seconds later because I knew she was saying the truth, I could see it.

"Calm down bro," Blake tells me but his words sound absurd to me. I'm not calming down till I completely understand what the fuck happened.

"A-actually," a timid voice calls. We all turn towards Clara who looked worried. "I gave her the gun, but I had no idea there were no bullets!" She defends.

My eyes narrow to slits as I look at her and I try to control my breathing. Jasmine's hands were around her neck, but not from pain, mostly from shock.

I've never exploded like this before, and I'm honestly disappointed at myself for doing so.

I'll have to apologise later.

"Blake. Have you taken her?" I ask, he knew darn well I was talking about Rhea Rodriguez.


"Good. I'll need some answers."


We lost her.

We were too late so they took Bianca. I'm sure it was Hades, I know I have a lot of enemies but he's our biggest threat so far.

We took Rhea also, of course we couldn't leave empty handed.

It's been a day and we've been desperately trying to track her down. It's going painfully slow but it's going, and I'm trying my best to keep my shit together.

I got a call from my receptionist and answered.

"What is it, Sharon?"

"Someone is here to see you, he goes by the name Tobi Pena."

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