Chapter 4

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My second morning in Seoul. It's 9 a.m and I still haven't got a call from them. All my hopes have already died. I get ready to look for other part time jobs when I finally get a call from the BIGHIT ENTERTAINMENT!!
Omfg I am an assistant of one of the bts members! I still didn't know who will I be assisting but it didn't really mattered to me at this point. Although in some part of my heart I wanted to be Taehyung's!
First day at Bighit ENT. I stood in front of the building my legs were shaking already, my hands were all sweaty and I was so nervous. I am wearing my favourite pair of jeans and a blue shirt. My hair set perfectly! I mean c'mon am meeting BTS today, I had to look perfect today.
I collect my ID card from Ms. Park and am told that am Taehyun's assistant! I took a moment to  think what exactly did I do to get such a great life. I thanked my stars. 
And walked towards Tae's makeup room. As I entered the makeup room I saw a huge mirror with lights on and in front of him sat the perfect Taehyung. As soon as I saw him I wanted to run to him, hug him, take pictures with him and whatnot *giggling*, but I didn't want to look clingy so I calmed myself and told the fangirl inside me that there will be many more chances to do so.He was looking at his phone. His one hand holding the phone in the most perfect way and his second hand was supporting his face. I got so lost in admiring him in the mirror that I didn't notice Miss. Ju Ri, tae's makeup artist. She was a tall, skinny and a perfect women. She stared impassively at me. She was wearing a red dress and black boots. I could tell that everything she was wearing was of top brands.
Tae lifts his head up when he realises that Juri has stopped doing his makeup. He lifts his head up and sees me in the mirror.
Taehyung's POV~
I lifted my head up and looked at myself in the mirror when I saw a girl with the most beautiful eyes in the mirror. Our eyes locked and I couldn't help but stare at her. "Who is she?" "What's she doing in here?" My head was flooded with such questions.
The spell in that room broke when Juri interrupted and asked who she was.
"Oh!Anneyonghaseyo! Jeonun So Nam mida!" She introduced herself!
"I am tae oppa.. I am taehyung sir's assistant." She said.
I turned around and walked towards her. Extending my hands towards her I said "anneyong! Please take good care of me."
As I walked past her, I felt her giggling and smiling like crazy.
"Cute" I said.
So Nam's POV~
After looking into some paperworks regarding tae's appointments and world tours, I looked at the clock and it was 9 p.m already. "Oh" I gasped!
I packed all my stuff and walked towards the elevator. The elevator door was about to close when tae walked in. We bowed and greeted each other formally. I looked at him every now and then. ^i wonder if he noticed lol^
Taehyung's POV
Oh am late today. I walked to the elevator and saw So nam get in. I wanted to see her again so I ran and went in. She looked quite taken aback. I liked her because her eyes were so pretty her gaze held me in that moment.
. As I walked towards my car, I noticed that she was looking for a cab. It was 9 p.m and I didn't want her to cross paths with some pervert here. I walked towards her
Tae: "Should I drop you off somewhere?"
So nam: "Oh no, I. It's okay.. I'll take a cab"
Tae: "Am going the same way I'll drop you off. Also its not safe."
She hesitates but then agrees.
I opened the door for her and she got in.
"So where do you live?" I asked her.
She looked at me and giggled.
"But didn't you say that u were going the same way?"
Oh stupid me.
I gave her a dumb smile and she told me the address. It was completely opposite to where I live but I drove happily because I'd get some quality time to know her better.
I put on some comforting music and asked her to feel comfortable.
We talked about her and she told me she was Indian. We had so much in common.
As we talked about stuff, I looked at her. Smiling like a high schooler, she reminded me of sunflowers. The mood in that car was completely lightened up and in that brief moment I wished that this car never stopped lol.
I stopped infront of her apartment and opened the door for her. As we bid our goodbyes  a trace of smile kisses her lovely sculptured lips.
So Nam's POV~
The car ride was a dream and now we had to part ways. I saw someone behind the bushes taking pictures of us. Oh!! a stalker???.???
"STALKER!!!!" I shouted and he stumbled and started running. Tae ran behind him to take the camera away and I ran behind them.

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