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"Blood traitor"

Pansy says with a sneer as she walked passed me.

"Ugly bitch"

I mutter as I kick her heel, causing her to trip over and fall. I walk over her stupid body, flashing her a smirk of victory before walking towards the stadium where the third contest will be held.

Draco watches Celeste with amusement as she looks behind to Pansy with a smug smirk. He could not explain the feelings that he had whenever Celeste came to mind. Her walk, stare, voice, and scent allured him, and he hated that. The last thing he wanted was to be attracted to a blood traitor, even if her status was high like his family, she wasn't the same in his mind.

Celeste takes a seat next to a classmate who she was quite familiar with, it was a shame that she didn't know his name though. She mentally scream when Draco's cologne passed her nose.
She has been avoiding him for a day now, it was tiring to say the least. It seemed like everywhere she went, he was there.

"Missed me Saloux?"

Draco asked as he took a seat right beside her.

Celeste ignored him by staying silent. She rested her face into the palm of her hands, she closed her eyes as a feeling of discomfort overcame her.

"Are you okay?"

The classmate asked her.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking"

Celeste says as he rubs her temples.

Her ears canceled out the announcers, the overwhelming pain in her head grew. She groaned and rubbed her hand against her temples as the pain worsened.

Draco watches Celeste struggle as the contestants disappear into thin air. He tries to focus on the contest but he couldn't help but sneak some glances at the struggling Celeste. He wanted to help her as much as possible. A small groan from Celeste escapes as she buries her face with her hands.

Cedric's scream is what I heard as the pain in my head worsened. I felt a sense of danger the second I woke up today so I knew that something wasn't going to be right.

"Is she okay?"

I hear Hermione ask from a couple of seats away.

All I could do is nod.

"I'm fine"

I mutter out to Hermione as I try to look at the stage.

"They returned! Look!"

I hear people shout.

I look at Harry and Cedric but something isn't right. Trumpets play as people erupt in a cheer, but everything feels off. It felt like the area around me spun in circles as I stood there hopelessly. Cedric lays still and Harry yells in horror, causing my pain to pause.

I take a glance of Cedric's lifeless face in horror. I feel the color drain from my face, I look at Draco with worry. He looks at me too with a slightly shocked expression. Everybody continued to cheer as I slowly stepped closer to the stage.


I whisper to myself as a tear trickles down my face.

I push the crowd out of my way out to the stage, it felt sa if everything was moving in slow motion as I walked to his body.

Fleur lets out a shrieking scream, causing everybody to stop their cheer. I drop to my knees in front of Cedric, his lifeless eyes deepens my scars.

"Wake up Cedric, wake up"

I calmly plead, as if he will wake up.

I look into his eyes as my face scrunches up, my lips twitch as reality hits me hard. I gently shake Cedric as if he was still alive and asleep. I didn't want to believe that he was dead, however, deep inside I knew the truth.

"Wake up Cedric, Cedric wake up!"

I hysterically scream as I hit the ground in anger. I watch my tears drops onto his motionless face, he doesn't move an inch.

"You promised! You promised me Cedric! Cedric, please"

I scream out as people try to separate Harry and I from his body.

"You promised Cedric, please wake up!"

I yelled through my sobs.

"He's back, he's back"

Harry says, taking Dumbledore back with surprise.

"Voldemorts back, Cedric asked me to bring his body back"

I bury my face into Cedric's shoulder and weep, not daring to step away. I shake my head as Professor Mcgonagall touches my shoulder gingerly.

"I couldn't leave him, not there"

Harry explains as Dumbledore assures him that everything is alright. Professor Mcgonagall crouches down to my level and gently touches my shoulder.

"Celeste, why don't we go back?"

I shake my head that is buried against Cedric. I quietly sob as I hold his hand that was once warm.

"That's my son, That's my boy"

I hear Mr.Diggory mourn as the dizziness comes back.

Mcgonagall touches my shoulder gently as my head continues to spin.

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