Evanescing Of A Beautiful Fantasia, FIVE

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I was waiting at the location where I told Kurumi, The front entrance of the tengu railway Station, The time was 10:25 Am. I was a little Nervous about this, I came a little earlier to avoid Delays. I still have the communicator fixed invisible in my ear. When I got ready I took a quick meal, Took some money in my wallet and just ran to the location. It was my first date, so I tried looking a little handsome today.

(Kotori): Now, Are you ready?

Haruto: Yes, I am.

(Kotori): Did you Changed your opinion on her?

Haruto: Yes, I will do my best for her.

(Kotori) : Good, The Fraxinus crew is ready to help you, You remember all of them right?

Haruto: Yes, the 5 specialise Members who mastered Very branch of love.... I don't feel right about them actually.

(Kotori): Just follow their lead, You will be fine..

Haruto: Fine.... (I hope everything goes well)

???: Oh, you came earlier...

Haruto: Huh?

I turned around to the voice, It was kurumi, I instantly got
Flabbergasted by stunning glamorous Beautiful, Her black Gothic Lolita dress perfectly matched her appearance and personality. I ended up blankly staring at her for a while with my red cheeks.

Kurumi: My... My, Did I make you blush?

Haruto: WA! I didn't mean to! I am sorry.

Kurumi: It's alright, I don't mind if it's you...

Haruto:So....Well, Shall we go?

Kurumi: Sure...

Haruto: Now... Where should we...?

(Kotori): Now... Choices are A theatre, An aquarium and A Cafe...Everyone! Make your first choice!

I waited for their response for a while, My anxiety was building up, After a while I finally heard a response.

(Kotori): I See, A theatre could be usually little time consuming for starting. A Cafe would probably be a odd place to visit at first, That leaves The 2nd option "An aquarium".

(Kyouhei Kannazuki): That's obvious, Experiencing An aquarium at first is the Best thing for a date. It's even more exciting with kotori!

(Kotori): Just shut the hell up! Haruto, Go to the Aquarium.

Haruto: wait... I.. don't have tickets for there, Doesn't it Required pre-owned tickets?

(Kotori): Just Go, we will take care of the rest.

Haruto: If you say.... Hey! Kurumi, Shall we go to the aquarium!

Kurumi:An Aquarium? Sure!

Haruto: Let's go then, I know where it is..

(Kotori) : Now, Let begin our date...

We both walked towards the Aquarium, If I remember I visited it last time With Sato and Su. I recognize the Name of the place, It's "Tengu Qwinted". Within ten minutes we reached the entrance, But now I don't know how I will enter the Place.

Haruto: Oi! Kotori, What should I do now?

(Kotori): Check your right pocket of your pants.

I searched for my pocket, To my surprise I found two new tickets for today. I didn't even notice when someone put these in.

Haruto: How did you..?

(Kotori) : Forget it, Now go!

Haruto: Well OK... Let's go kurumi!

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