Dust of Snow, Ten

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How many days has it been yet?

one, two, three, five or even fifteen?

Well, it didn't matter much.

What now, what is the purpose of my life?

Would death be a gentle one to face if it released me from his pain?

But honestly, would it matter much?

What was left of me was nothing but a lifeless body, isolated from the outside light and its dawn windows.

Darkness is cruel, but it's enough to at least let you hang between pits of dismay and heights of hope.

why did this happen, why should this ever have happened?


I don't have anything to explain my situation.

Shouldn't I have gone downstairs, I bet Mom is busy making my breakfast, Dad must be reading his favourite manga hidden behind his newspaper and Sato would come up the lie me the time and forcefully wake me up for his amusement.

But that wouldn't be the case for me from now on, I don't know what the world outside the door holds for me.

Now my life is enclosed in these four walls with the tiniest rays of light piercing the windows.

I don't know if it's day or night, all that is left is my friend pillow who is soaked with tears of my uncountable cries and sorrows.

What is left of me, what is my will to live from now on?


Date: July 30th, Sunday

Time: 9:30 AM

It was a cold Sunday morning, strangely despite being summer season already. I stretched my fingers forwards and tried to train my stressed body for the upcoming day.

Kotori, on the other hand, threw the bare stick of the Chupa Chups she slurped from early morning in the dustbin.

"Shido, I think you should eat something already."

"No, I will be alright......... just please, leave me alone......."

I sat on my dining table with an empty plate in front of me.

I remember that I used to cook for Tohka, Yoshino and Kotori their mouth-watering meals. Our home used to be full of conflicts and excitement for the brand-new day.

But now the dishes were dusted as they were left old for days, the laughs and joy disappeared from this room and was replaced with cold stillness.

Ever since that last incident, my already quirky life turned upside down yet again.

I gathered out some strength and turned towards Kotori.

"Kotori, Did Haruto accept the glass of water?"

She turned to me as she brings her glass of water and sat on the next chair beside mine.

"I don't know........ Either he must have rejected it or didn't bother to take a peek outside the door. That glass is left untouched till morning."

"But at this rate, wouldn't he become sick?"

"That's where you are wrong, he is both physically and mentally washed out at this point. It's been almost three weeks since he has eaten anything, he barely has the energy to even stand up and he might just be hospitalized again from starvation."

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