Ashes to Ashes: Dust to Dust, TWELVE

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"Let me remind you on behalf of my sword. My blade will roar at my strike inside your head as it spans down your throat to shut your voice with being pointed towards the tip of your heart, should you practice any nonsensical morals you understand?"

I stood in front of her, unable to look clear into her eyes

Kotori's voice followed after in the communication device fixed in my ears.

"(Take a deep breath and reply after me.)"

I went along with her instruction with a nod.

"Yes, understood. But on one condition........"

"Huh......Which would be?"

I am going to seal her for good today, this very thought had been plaguing my mind since.

This inverse Spirit, self-proclaimed sister of Tohka had challenged me to the battle of death. But I had to challenge her on a date.

"(Now.......You know your morning rehearsal, right? Say it with me.)"

I placed my hand on my racing heart and looked down into her ashen eyes.

"Let's begin our Date, shall we?"

"Of course, but........ A live one or the death?"

Thus, our stories continue

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Thus, our stories continue.

Sunday, August 20th
Tenguu city, Train Station Front

An awkward silence was rooted between our conversations.

I snapped out and realized the mistake of making my tone too serious, later corrected by Kotori.

"(What's with the serious tone, were you looking forwards to fighting her?)"

Followed her voice, and a few more regular ones emerged from the communication.

Shido was dazed, and he panicked over the mic.

"(Haruto! Please relax, your head seems to explode any moment!)"

Yoshinon, with a mischievous tone teased around as usual.

"(Ne~Ne, Haruto-san...... want us to ice your head?)"

Defeated in a sense, Yoshino's weak voice squeezed an encouragement.

"(No.....I Believe like.......Shido-san...... Haruto can do it.......Good luck Haruto-san!)"

Reine's fingertips raised her glasses on her face, making each move more audible.

"(With such stress.........He is digging his own grave.... Haru would need to get a hold over his concerns.)"

My head twitched in anger at her nickname, I had my communicator held tight.

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