𝔗𝔬 𝔅𝔢 𝔄𝔱 𝔄 𝔏𝔬𝔰𝔰 𝔉𝔬𝔯 𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔡𝔰 (2)

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Amidst the taut tension, a smile slithered onto his face, sending shockwaves down her spine.

"My lady, no need to be so anxious. As your butler, my only intention to treat you well." Gradually, he released her, stepping away with an even brighter smile.

The moment he pulled back there was a boulder lifted off her shoulder. She was quick to stand, a toxic mix of anger, frustration, and anxiety tingled on her trembling lips. "Treat me well?" Her voice cracked. "Treat me well?" she said, repeating with growing intensity. "You bloody bumbling madman!"

"Yes, my apologies for the dramatics, but I truly mean it when I say I mean you no harm---."

"---You're a dead man walking, Ezra Radcliffe!" she shouted, the passion in her voice rumbling her bones. "I'm going to tell someone what you've just done! Trying to threaten me! Trying to intimidate me! Trying to hurt me!"

Before he could reply, in a flurry of rage, she stormed forwards making a beeline to the door. She was only 5 steps out when she found herself plummeting towards the floors.


"Uh oh!" He held his breath, watching as she crash landed against the floor. "Lady Erina!" He placed a hand on his mouth, playing pretend concern. "Is everything alright? Are you having another clumsy episode?"

With one simple jutting out of his foot, she had been tripped.

Flames explode in her chest as she realized that had been victim to the same trick twice. "You dastard bastard!" She lifted her head, blood trickling from her nose. "Guar---!" She stopped, realizing quickly that it would be futile. Annoyed, yet not deterred, she whipped her head towards him, seething, "You are going to be done!" She tried to stand, getting up only to her knees when her movement felt restricted.

Her dress was caught on something that restricted her mobility; There was a foot wedged firmly onto the hem of her dress. Her eyes traveled up the from the polished black shoe, up pants leg of a black uniform trousers, and finally to a smiling Ezra.

"Get your foot off!" she shrieked, exploding into a fit of ferocity.

"Yikes." He tutted, shaking his head. "My lady, please calm yourself. Your anger has turned your face into a hot iron. People have been known to pass out due to emotional overheating."

"Shut up!" She tugged at her dress, desperately tried to pry it out from underneath his foothold.

He studied her with delight. "Oh! I may have an idea." His smile was vainglorious. "I think I know just what will cool you down." He set his sights on another stray service cart that was right in his arm's distance. "Let me just---," he said, stretching his hand outwards to the cart, pulling it close in increments. "---get this."

Ignoring him, she continued tugging, pulling, and even contorted her body around. Despite all her efforts, one single foot kept her bound, to thrashes and flays.

"My lady?" He softly called, requesting her attention.

Unrelentless in her tug of war, she briefly glanced at him once, and then twice. There was something in his hands that on second inspection, captured her attention.

"Thirsty?" There was a tea cup in his hand.

She stopped struggling, and grimaced.

"This will feel cool as it dries on your skin." He raised the cup. "Believe me, I'm speaking from experience." He overturned the cup, tea raining down on her dress and showered her face.

Quietly, she whipped away tea from her eyes.

Taking ahold of another cup from the cart, he bent down to her level, foot rooted strategically on the dress. "How silly of me. If you're thirsty you should have the opportunity to drink, right?"

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