Chapter 9: The Start Of The War

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Draco had come back to Harry on the train, he shut all the shutters and blinds and took the invisibility cloak off of Harry. He looked at rather short Harry, Lilianne didn't quite look like Harry.

"Seriously Potter? Trying to sneak up on me?" he says looking down at rather short Harry.

"And?" Harry says scoffing at him.

Draco was dressed in an all black suit. He had muscled up and was taller than usual. 

"They won't let me see her.." he says looking away, he seemed rather depressed ever since she wasn't there. Which effected his education and the way he acted around others, he just needed her more than anything ever.

"All I know is that they are hurting her" he says upset, walking out of the train. Wiping away small tears at the corner of his eye. He heads towards where his luagge's were, stepping into the carriage before riding away.

As Harry arrives at Hogwarts he sees Draco acting weirder than usual, he wouldn't let anyone see his wrist and never talked or teased much. He never really talked to Harry either anymore about Lilianne, he was just off doing his own thing.


It was a gloomy day at Hogwarts again, Harry and Dumbledore had set out to get something for Dumbledore, Dumbledore made him get Harry to go with him to help him drink a potion of some sort.. It didn't turn out well and they barely made it..

Harry took him back to the Astronomy Tower. Where Dumbledore had gotten weak and told Harry to get Severus, that was before Dracos father Lucius walked in, before Lucius could see young Harry, Dumbledore told him to hide, a bunch of death eaters coming out including Draco.

He didn't know if Draco was a death eater but he saw Harry underneath and winked at him. They had told each other that if they winked at each other that meant that they weren't going to do something.

"Go on then Draco.. KILL HIM!" Bellatrix screams. Harry holds his wand up to Bellatrix but she cannot see, he turns to see Severus who is pointing his wand at young Harry telling him to shush. Severus walks away and goes to Dumbledore.

"Ahh, Severus , kind of you to join us.." Bellatrix says cackling almost. 

"Severus, please.." Dumbledore says..

"AVADA KEDAVARA" Snape says firing the spell at Dumbledore. His helpless body falling down the tower onto the ground.

Harry immediately runs down , Bellatrix escorting everyone out quickly, pointing her wand up to the sky, covering the sun.

Harry runs over to Dumbledores helpless body there, he cries , he had just lost another. Ginny Weasley pulls Harry into a hug, she hated seeing Harry upset.

This was the start of a war. Everyone steps aside, they see Draco and his father Lucius fighting in the Tower, they look up to see Draco reveal his Death Eater mark.

"This is the start of the war Father, and Lilianne is at the heart of it" he says using expelliarmus to disarm his father. 

His father picking up his wand and running. Dumbledore had told Harry he needed to get rid of all the Horcruxes , but didn't tell him how to.

Him , Hermione and Ron set out to find all of the Horcruxes, they found the locket from previous years and destroyed Tom Riddles diary and saving Ginny Weasley who opened the Chamber of Secrets.

He just needed Rowena Ravenclaws Diadem , Helga Hufflepuff's cup, Slazar Slytherins Locket and that was quite it. He had tried to destroyed Slazar Slytherins Locket when he retrieved it from Umbridge in previous years but didn't have a clue on how to destory it.

And so the battle begun..

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