Chapter 2: The Competitors

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Lilianne didn't quite catch onto what the Triwizard Tournament quite was. She didn't plan on entering, she had no intentions of doing such a physcotic thing! She snuggles up in her green covered bed, hoping for the best and that no one would get hurt during such a dangerous competition, most all she didn't want Harry to enter, even though she knew Harry and her weren't as close anymore, she didn't want to lose her brother, not to a reckless Tournament. 

The cloud covered sky reins over Hogwarts, it was rather a rainy and cold day. All students gathered up outside of Hogwarts curiously and impatiently waiting for the other schools to arrive. Beauxbatons and Durmstrang , Harry Potter eagerly trying to get through everyone to get a glance. A marvellous carriage flown by 12 ever so beautiful Abraxans comes recklessly flying in, almost hitting Hagrid! 

"Well there's something you don't see everyday!" The Weasley twins Fred and George say in awe, looking at the amazing entrance of the Beauxbatons Academy Of Magic ride. Then, Durmstrang comes in , at first everyone was confused, whispers going around as to why their boat was so small. Something no one expected, a big ship emerges from underneath the deep sea, sails rolling down with the Durmstrang school logo on it. Everyone claps and stares in absolute amazement.

As every student was escorted back inside, everyone chattered a bit, that was until Professor Dumbledore step forth onto the platform and started explaining about the Triwizard Tournament.

"Now, this is no joke! Once you are entered this is no turning back, beware that this is a very serious Tournament, so enter at your own risk" Dumbledore says before Filch comes running funnily down the middle of the hall, whispering something into Dumbledores ear, whilst everyone laughs and runs back out again. 

"Now may you please pay attention to our first school, Beauxbatons Academy Of Magic and their headmistress Madame Maxime." Dumbledore says , the dining hall door swings open gracefully whilst a group of beautiful young women dressed in all blue, with ever so weird looking hats come in. Lilianne looks over to curious Harry, Ron and Seamus looking at their butts which makes Lilianne laugh quite a bit, catching Dracos attention, he smiles delightfully as her ever so beautiful giggles. 

"And for our last school of the night, please welcome Durmstrang Institute , and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff" The doors open as a bunch of muscly men come through, banging their canes on the floor, some even doing back flips and some tricks. Then , Lilianne Potter catches Viktor Krum and many other Durmstrang boys eyes. Draco being the jealous individual he is eyed them off, Draco wanted Lilianne for himself, but he knew there would be competition in his way.

Once everyone had been told that no one under the age of 17 could submit their names, everyone was trying to find ways to get inside the age line. The Weasley twins had used an ageing potion, but soon found out after that it wasn't such a clever nor spontaneous idea, as they literally turned into old men. Cedric Diggory, Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour had submitted their names along with a few other people. 

"This is the time you have all been waiting for , the person who wins the tournament will receive eternal glory, and the Triwizard Tournament Trophy" Professor Dumbledore pulled out his hand, throwing the cover off the ever so beautiful Triwizard Cup, everyone stares in awe. The first name that comes out of the Goblet Of Fire is Durmstrangs parchment.

"The Triwizard Champion from Durmstrang is.. VIKTOR KRUM!" the hall goes wild, some durmstrang boys patting him on the back and he walks up confidently , taking another look at Lilianne before receiving his piece of parchment and heading off. 

"The Triwizard Champion from Beauxbations Academy is... FLEUR DELACOUR" standing up with a smile wiped across her face, she heads towards Dumbledore and takes her parchment.

"The Triwizard Champion from Hogwarts is...CEDRIC DIGGORY!" he stands up proud , and walks over and also grabs his parchment, taking a look at Lilianne too. Lilianne was known as one of the most popular girls in the school. She loved everyone no matter who they were.

"Now that our 3 champions are selected by the Goblet Of Fire, the Triwizard Tournament is officially starting." Dumbledore says.

The Goblet bursts into flames again, spitting out 2 more pieces of Parchment. Dumbledore looks up at everyone in shock.

"Lilianne Potter!" he screams. Draco looks over at Lilianne who is nervous. She stands from her seat and walks over to grab the parchment paper that has her name on it, it wasn't even her handwriting..which left her overly curious as to who submitted her name. 

"Harry Potter!" Professor Dumbledore screams again. Hermione shoves Harry , urging him to go and get his parchment. Harry walks up slowly but nervously, people screaming horrible things.

As both of them are downstairs, the three legal aged champions stare. Viktor and Cedric concerned looks on their face, staring right at Lilianne. Professor Dumbledore comes down , running straight at Harry.


"No Sir"



"He is lying!" Madame Maxime says arrving down.

Mad eye moody comes in and explains to Igor and the rest how it would be ever so dangerous for Harry to even submit his name, and how he wouldn't do such a thing. Igor and Mad Eye go back and forth. 

"That'll be enough!" Dumbledore screams in anger. 

Liliannes eyes start to tear up a bit, she tries wiping her tears but there are too much to wipe away. Harry pulls Lilianne into a hug, him being her older brother he couldn't possibly see her upset.

The Minister comes down..

"They have too go forth, they can't back down. It has to happen.." he says looking at devastated Lilianne Potter. 

"I didn't want to do this! Is there any way I can get out?" Lilianne says looking at the minister. 

"I'm afraid not dear..that's it.." 

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