Chapter 6: She Is Gone

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Young Lilianne snuggled up in Dracos sheets, she had a whole day of practicing tomorrow , she decided to spend the night in Dracos dorm, she felt safe and wanted to snug into his arms as they fell asleep together.

She snugged up to Dracos bare chest and closed her eyes, calmness flushed over her and she dozed off into a rather relaxing sleep. 


She woke up to the birds tweeting, she felt relaxed. She got up and kissed Draco on the forehead before she left to go get changed for the day. She read a few books before it was time to start.

Her feelings were overwhelmed, books distracted her when she used to be upset as a kid. Though she only had a few books, that's all she needed. She was quite the reader and thinker. Poor Lilianne feared the safety of others instead of her own, which was what she needed to worry about, herself.

This Tournament was about surviving and getting through, she worried that maybe others would get hurt in the process, which she didn't need to worry about, because everyone else would be safe.. or so she thought.

She got in gear, in her house colours, and headed down to the Qudditch pitch where they had grown a big maze, filled with dangerous stuff inside.. whoever found the cup first won..she looked up at Draco. He ran up to her one last time, and kissed her on the lips softly.

"Please..please..stay safe.." he says worriedly, she saw tears building up in his eyes, she traced her fingers across his face, his father was also in the crowd to watch. I kissed his cheek before letting him go, he ran back up to where his father was sitting, no one stood behind me, I was alone. 

"Let the challenge begin!" The minister says, the music starts playing, which makes Lilianne even more nervous. She looked back one last time at Draco before walking in. She stopped as the entrance closed up, she walked straight at first, then she turned left, but that came to a dead end. She walked out again , and walked straight up to see a person running past, screaming. It sounded like a girl, she ran over to see Fleur being taken.

"Let me help you" Lilianne says with fear in her eyes, trying to grab on Fleur, she tried with all her might, but Fleur had lost... she wiped the tears frantically coming out of her eyes. She could've saved her, but she didn't. She had to go on, she couldn't stop. She had to do it for Draco, or she would never see anyone ever again..she'd be..dead..

She kept going forward, one of the vines grabbed her foot. She wrestled with it, she ended up digging her long nails into it as it squirmed away. She ran , crying, she saw the maze closing off, rapidly coming at full speed along with the vines, she saw her brother and Cedric , Harry was helping Cedric get out of the vines which spread across his body, she ran faster than ever, she ran into Harrys arms.

"GRAB THE CUP, YOU DESERVE IT" Harry screams at us both.

"Just all of us grab it on 3!" Cedric says.

"1,2,3!" Lilianne scream, they all grab the cup and get taken to a place that Isn't the end..Harry and Cedric are on the ground hopeless, they both get up and run over making sure Lilianne was ok.

"Where are we?" Cedric says curiously, looking around. It looked like a graveyard sort of..that's when Harry approached one that read.. Tom Riddle..

"Cedric and Lilianne we have to get back to the cup" Harry says tracing his fingers over the gravestone. 

"Now!" Harry demands.

"What are you talking about?" Cedric says confused

Wormtail steps out with an ugly looking baby in his hand..then they all realized.. it was Lord Voldemort.. he didn't have enough magic nor energy to even grow or have any powers.

Harry fell to his knees, Lilianne and Cedric run over.

"Both of you get back to the cup!" Harry demands.

Lilianne and Cedric stand up pointing their wands at wormtail who walks out.

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Cedric screams as wormtail comes out. 

Wormtail fires an Avada Kedavara curse at Cedric but Lilianne pushes herself and Cedric out of the way blocking it.

He lifts harry up with his wand and the statue of the grim reaper closes in Harry, with no possible escape..

"Do it, now!" Voldemort says.

He puts Voldemort in a cauldron , which leaves a huge splash.

"The bone of the father willingly given" Wormtail says putting the bone into the cauldron , with his wand.

"Flesh of the servant willingly sacrificed" Wormtail pulls out a knife and cuts off his hand as it drops into the cauldron, all of us looking away.

He went up to Harry and cut his skin, getting the blood onto the knife and dropping it into the cauldron too.

"The dark lord..shall rise again" wormtail says dripping some of Harrys blood into the cauldron.

"GET AWAY FROM MY BROTHER WORMTAIL" Lilianne says casting a spell sending him back.

The Cauldron lights on fire, removing the whole cauldron and a bony looking creature emerges out, screeching and evolves into an ugly looking man , bald with no nose.

He asks wormtail for his wand, wormtail rightfully listening , gives back his wand and paints a weird looking symbol on wormtails wrist.

All these weird dark figures emerge.

"30 years It's been, and none of you have been considerate enough to even help me" Voldemort says going around in a circle, killing some.

I see Lucius Malfoy take off his mask, I look in his direction. 

"LUCIUS?" I say angrily.

"Well, well. Harry and Lilianne Potter. I almost forgot about you both. Long time no see" a despicable face shows. It was Lord Voldemort, the person only Harry feared, but the person Lilianne wanted to kill. She looked up at him.

"You killed my parents why would I even be partly happy to see you" she scoffed at him , she hated the man. I'm sure everyone did, he was rude and horrible to everyone , even his followers. He was also the most powerful sorcerer in the Wizarding Community. She walked forth towards him.

"Is that how you speak to ME YOUNG LADY?" he screeches at young Liliane. 

"I can speak however I may" she says back scoffing at him. Lucius looked at her impressed but had to hide it almost. No one ever talked back to the dark lord, not even Lucius himself..

Voldemort with the flick of his wand banged her against a wall, putting her to sleep. Harry got out and so did Cedric. 

"WE HAVE TO GET HER" Harry says worried looking at Cedric. Cedric runs over to go get Lilianne when Voldemort pushes him back with a spell. Making both Harry and Cedric touch the cup..leaving Lilianne behind. Before they left, they saw her bleeding from every part of her body, she looked hurt.

They arrived back and stood up crying. Everyone cheered and screamed, Draco ran down grabbing Cedrics shoulder.

"WHERE IS SHE!?" He screamed, tear filled eyes.

"The dark lord took her, we tried to get her but the dark lord took her.." Cedric says in an upset tone, Harry bangs his hands on the ground.

"I SWORE TO PROTECT HER AND I JUST LOST HER. I NEED HER" Draco says grabbing his hair and walking away in tears. He couldn't believe it, he had just lost the love of his life to the dark lord.

Dumbledore comes running over.

"It'll be ok Harry.." he says rubbing Harrys back one knew where she went.. all they knew is that she was gone because of Voldemort..

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