Chapter 5: The Clue

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Young Liliane was searching the library to found out what the awful screeching noise from Harrys egg was, seeming they all had the same clue. She was determined to find out. She came across a book about the merpeople song.

The book read that they could only talk in first she was confused. She tried to spill water on it, but she only heard slight changes. She took the book and her egg along with her to the huge bath tub in the ladies bathroom. 

She dipped in and opened the egg, emerging herself underneath the water. The beautiful lyrics started playing , it sounded like a pure goddess was singing it. She was left in awe..she realised the time limit was an hour but for what? Hopefully they would explain that tomorrow.

Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
An hour long you'll have to look,
To recover what we took.


It was the day of the second Triwizard Challenge, she was at the dock dressed in her swimsuit, Draco came once again, pulling her into a hug.

"Please stay safe.." he says gripping her tightly. She just rests in his chest, she was the only one who wasn't using anything to help her, she loved swimming as a kid. She held the best record for holding her breath in her swimming lessons, the bad one Aunt Petunia used to send her and Harry after she asked to sign up for swimming.

She lets go of Draco staring at him one last time. All the champions jump in including Lilianne, she heads straight down , holding her breath. She goes all the way down to the deep sea, she swims through when she sees the merpeople protecting the peoples bodies.

She was shocked when she saw Draco there, almost wanting to cry. She swims under and grabs Fleurs sister and Draco, the merpeople told her not to get Fleurs sister, biting at her arm which started to bleed, but It had been 40 minutes and Fleur still hadn't shown up. She managed to get them both and swim off.

Everyone had already arrived at the dock, Harry, Cedric and Viktor were already there. Fleur unfourtanently couldn't even make it to save the one she cared about most, but Lillianne got her sister for her. Lilianne could sense she was nearly there, she just had to hold on a little longer. She reached above the water, Draco and Fleurs sister coming back and breathing. Lillianne felt weak , she had held her breath so long. She told them to go without her to the dock, it was near them, infact right infront of them but just a few swims away.

"I feel weak, just go. I'll be there" she says to Draco. He takes her though and seats her up when Harry wraps a towel around her. She stands up as everyone cheers for her. Fleur runs over and hugs her. 

"You saved my sister even though she wasn't yours.." she says hugging her tightly. Lilianne felt so happy that she got Fleurs sister.

Just then, blood from her arm went through the white towel, which caught Dracos attention, he took off her towel and saw the bites.

"Take her to Madam Pomfrey" Professor Dumbledore says. Draco carries Lilianne all the way to the hospital wing, a towel on top of her. 

Lilianne wakes up a few hours later. She looks at Madam Pomfrey who smiles at her.

"Now, now dear. It's 5pm I think you should head over to dinner now, I've wrapped your arm. I think you'll be fine" she says. She was already dressed back into my normal clothes by the flick of her wand.

She opens the dining hall doors, Draco runs up to her along with Harry, Viktor , Hermione, Ron and a bunch of other people. Draco kisses her on the cheek and whispers to her:

"I'm so glad your okay" he says pulling away from her. He takes her hand , pulling her away from everyone else, tomorrow was their last challenge to determine what would happen and who would get eternal glory. Also the most dangerous challenge..

They sat at the table, laughing and eating dinner. She couldn't wait for tomorrow , she felt quite confident in herself but she was also quite scared as to what would happen..

Just as long as everyone else was safe, she would be happier than ever..

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