Chapter 20 - Roc.

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“No. Unfortunately I don’t.” Roc said giving her a weird glare, then going back to work.

“It’s me, Roc. Christa!” She smiled. Roc froze, then stood up, and stared at her in shock.

“Christa? The Christa I haven’t seen since I was in my 20’s?”

“Yeah. The Christa you used to date!”

“Oh. The same Christa who didn’t even manage to tell me that Neveah and Kylie had been adopted, right? My own daughter and stepdaughter?” He smiled. “I didn’t find this shit out until today?”

Christa was shot with guilt. She looked down, sighed, then looked back up at him.

“Roc i’m sorr-“

“The same Christa who accused me of killing a girl that I treated like my own daughter?” Roc shouted angrily as his voice echoed through the woods, and he caught a few of the searchers attention. “The same Christa who wouldn’t answer any of my calls when I was searching and looking for Kylie and Neveah?”


“The same Christa I gave a child, even though we were only in a relationship for two months!?” Roc said scrunching his eyebrows up at her. “The same Christa who I was with side by side for Neveah’s custody battle, and the fake death for our baby who STILL left me in the dirt for 10 years, and wasn’t even going to inform me that both of my children were gone? The same Christa who never visited me ONCE in jail after all that I done for her? That Christa?!”

“Roc, i’m sorry. I was just going through a rough time-“

“I don’t wanna hear that bullshit. You had 13 years to give me that apology.” Roc snarled. “I’m here to find Neveah and Kylie, then we’re going to go back to not talking like we did for that amount of time. Get out of my face, Christa.”

Christa teared up a little bit, then walked back to the area she was searching in. She was expecting a warm welcome from Roc since he hadn’t seen her in so long, but it was the total opposite. She understood why, but she was expecting him to forgive him. It was a cold and unwarm welcome.

“Damn man. She looked hurt.” Ray Ray said, shaking his head.

“I don’t give a damn.” Roc snarled. “She left me in the dirt after all the shit that I did for her. I’ll never let ANY other woman take advantage of me like that again.”

For a week, Kylie and Neveah stripped at the ‘Bodily’ strip club. They’d moved to a 5 star hotel with the money that they were making, and only a week later, they were becoming the strip clubs favorite. They were young, and they had really gorgeous bodies. Nervousness soon turned into adjustment each time they would come. They actually enjoyed making the money, but some of the obnoxious men made them a little nervous at time.

They drove back with Josh and gave them the money that they made. They’d made over $3,000 dollars, and the men were becoming richer and richer. The men wrapped the money in rubberbands, while Kylie and Neveah waited on the bed. These men weren’t as harmful as they thought that they would be, and suprisingly, they were nice. They brought them back three course fancy meals everyday, and they ate pretty good. The men put the money in their bags, and smiled at the two.

“Well girls, you two have really earned it.” John said. “How would you guys like to take a trip to California?”

“Really?” Neveah said, getting excited. Thats exactly where Roc and Christa lived.

“Yep. You guys are going to have to strip there also, but we’ll be having a blast in the sun!”

“Oh my goodness. That sounds fun!” Neveah cheered.

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