Chapter 17 - Rebellion.

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“No. No no no no sir you don’t understand!” Christa begged. “Please don’t take them away from me!”

“Ma’am, we’re not going this to get under your skin. We’re doing this for the safety of the chil-“

“No no they’ll be safe with me! I promise they will!” She interrupted. “You cant take my baby and my niece away from me! They’re my angels. They’re the only thing I have left! Please!! Take whatever you want! My money, my house, anything! Just don’t take them!”

“I’m sorry ma’am, but we cant do that.” The officer said.

“I’m begging you!” She wailed loudly. “PLEASE!”

“Ma’am, we can’t have the children live under these crazy conditions!” The officer said, not budging. “Think about them first! Think about Neveah and Kylie.”

“Christa, you have to let them go.” Her mother sighed. “They deserve to have a good childhood. Don’t you think that Neveah’s been through enough? We don’t want to put the babies through the same situation.”

Christa looked at her family, then the officer. As heartwrenching as it sounded, it was true. Christa didn’t want to let Neveah go along with her daughter, but if it meant them having a good childhood and a better life, she’d settle for it.

And she did.

Christa stayed at the hopsital with her baby and Neveah for what would be the last time. He looked at Neveah, who was bouncing in her hospital bed, and watching Dora. She was obviously getting her strength back, while her mother was losing hers. She fed the baby from time to time, and she stared at Neveah almost a majority of the time. At only 3 years old, she never thought that she would have to leave her niece.

Let alone, her own child.

“I’ll give you as much time as you need.” The officer said, leaving the room. “She’ll be headed to the adoption center tomorrow. We promise that we’ll make sure they both have a good home. We do background checks on every family that plans to adopt.”

“Mommy! Boots!” She cheered as she pointed to the the tv. Christa did nothing but smile, as tears of pain ran down her face.



“Can we pause Dora for a few seconds?”


Christa grabbed the remote, paused the tv, then glanced back at Neveah.

“You know how much mommy loves you, right?”

“Dis much!” She said, spreading out her arms.

“And how much do you love mommy?”

“Dis much!”

“Guess where you and Kylie are going tomorrow?” She smiled.


“Do a wonderful place called ‘Childhood’!” Christa cheesed, trying to make Neveah excited to go. “At this place, you’re gonna have alot of toys, alot of new different family, and a bigger home! You’ll get to have alot of fun with Kylie too! And you’ll be able to hold her all day.”

“Oaoaehehndshhshshh!” Neveah squealed happily as she kicked her feet around.

“Mommy, Daddy, and Roc will stay here, and then we’ll come with you guys later! Okay?”


“I love you Neveah.” She repeated.

“Lubb you too.”

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