Chapter 18 - Roofies.

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“At a party to drink? Really Neveah?” Kylie said in a nervous tone.

“I thought that you weren’t a prude?” Neveah winked as she lifted up.

“Well I’m not, but I don’t believe that you have to drink to have a good time.”

“But that’s the whole point of a party, Kylie!”

Kylie looked at Neveah, and sighed. She didn’t feel that the party would be safe, and she didn’t feel that the party was a good idea. Neveah was all about going all out, but Kylie had a conscience. It just proved how Neveah was just like Chad, and Kylie was just like Roc. Roc had a conscience, and Chad had one only when something serious.

But as long as Neveah went to the party, she would go. However, she had a different way of going.

“Veah, why don’t we just ask mom and dad?” Kylie said.

“That is the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard in the world!” Neveah snapped. “Why would we do that?”

“Well if we ask for their permission, it won’t matter how long that we stay.”

“You can ask them. You know that they’ll say no to me.” Neveah snarled. “You’re the good one, so they’ll think that the party we’re going to isn’t bad.”

“Maybe I’ll ask mom, and tell her that I don’t want to go by myself.” Kylie said as she got off of her bed, and headed for the door. “That’ll get you pass the punishment phase.”

Kylie walked downstairs, and seen her mom in the living room eating chocolate ice cream, and watching a soap opera. They lived in a large mansion, so it took a little while to work all the way down her stairs, and into her living room. She slowly walked up to her, and gave her a puppy dog face.

“What do you want me to give you, Kylie?” Caroline joked.

“Mom. Now you know how you said that I need to get out of the house more like Neveah?”

“Where are you trying to go?”

“Umm.” Kylie froze. “I kind of wanted to go to this party that’s in-“

“Are there going to be any parents there?”

“No. But-“

“Then you’re not going.”

“Come on, mom. Who actually brings their parents to a party?” Kylie snarled. “It’s a party that’s being held for spring break. I just thought it’d be a good idea. Besides, Melinda and Ashley will be there. You know that I’ll be safe as long as I stay with my two best friends.”

Caroline looked up at Kylie, and compromised. She knew that Kylie was a good kid, and wouldn’t betray her trust. She sighed, leaned up, and put her empty ice cream bowl on the table.

“Alright Kylie but you better be back by 9:30. That’s the latest!”

“But, there’s one more thing I wanted to ask you.”

“No, you can’t wear a skimpy skirt or any booty shorts. I will not let you leave the house looking like that.” Caroline continued.

“No, I wanted to ask you something else.”

“Come on Kylie! I’m missing my show!”

“I wanted to know if Neveah could come.”

“What?” Caroline said as she scrunched up her face.

“I don’t want to go by myself, mom! I wanted to go there with somebody.”

“Kylie, you know that she’s on punishment. You know the situation with her grades.”

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