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I laid in bed, bored out my mind, why? Mingyu my boyfriend was on tour and I miss him so much. I haven't seen him for 3 months, we facetime here and there but he been busy and then different time zones, it been difficult.

I cuddled up to rosè, my cat and closed my eyes. I smiled at the fact that mingyu should be home next week.

I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom and sat on the the bathtub side and held my stomach 5 months pregnant, I found out properly after mingyu left for tour, but I haven't told him yet? I sighed "don't worry, I will tell your father that you are his" I said holding my stomach, I got up and heard my phone ring, I walked to my bedroom and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I said "hey baby it me" I heard mingyu say happily "hey, what's going on you sound happy, was the concert that good" I said sitting down next to rosé "it was good, but I found out I can come home a week earlier infact I'm heading to the airport right now" he said, is smiled "thank God, because I missed you so much" I said, I looked down at my stomach and frowned "mingyu baby" I said "yes princess" he said "when you get back I have something to show you" I said "okay, but I best get going, we arrived at the airport and I want to go so I can see you quicker" he said, I smiled "okay baby, I'll see you when you get here" I said, we said our goodbyes and hanged up.

I got up and grabbed my keys to get some clothes for the baby which I don't know the gender off.

I walked in the shop and saw a cute, shirt that says 'im gonna be daddy's most presious gift' I smiled and picked it up, placing it in the bag. I grabbed a few other things and paid for it.

I got back home and placed the clothes and other stuff in a bag and placed it Infront of the door so when mingyu come in he will see it first.
I wrote a note to say open me, before seeing your girlfriend.

I laid in bed, and held rosé while I turned on the TV and watched some Thai bl drama.

It was now 11pm at night and I felt hungry again, I walked downstairs and in the kitchen and saw some crackers "yes crackers" I picked them up and ate them slowly, I heard the front door open, was mingyu home "baby I'm home" I heard him say, I looked out and saw him picking up the bag I placed for him "baby what's this" I watched him as he opened it.

I saw him smile and saw him holding the ultrasound photo of the baby, he looked at the other clothes he took our and smiled, I let a few years out and walked out the kitchen "suprise' I said walking up to him, he looked at me, then my stomach "baby you are so beautiful" mingyu said as he hugged me softly not carefully so he didn't hurt the baby.

"I missed you so much"I said placed a peck on his lips "and me, and now I'm gonna be a dad" he said leaning down and kissing my bump "how many months" he asked me smiling "5 since I was two months before you went on tour and I found out a couple days after but I wanted to suprise you when you for back" I said smiling "well I now I have a suprise for you" he said, he went into his bag and got something and placed it behind his back "shut your eyes" he said, I shut my eyes.

I heard him walk closer then I heard nothing "now open" he said, I slowly opened my eyes to see him down on one knee "mingyu" I said shook cover my mouth "baby, I think now is the best time to ask you to marry me, you are already provided me family that is soon to come, you made me fall in love with you every single day, and being away from you on tour made me realize how much you mean to me so Y/N Y/L)N will you marry me?" Mingyu said, I nodded and kissed his lips "a hundred times yes"

I laid in bed finally in mingyus arms he was drawing random shapes on my stomach which was the best feeling ever "I really hope you liked your" I said holding his other free hand "I loved it, many good presents but the best friend he was the amazing woman, she gifted me a child to care for, who I will love forever, and she is now in my arms" he said kissing my head, I let out a soft chuckle, and cuddled myself into mingyu as we both slowly drifted off to sleep

I hoped you like this, sorry for the long waited update college work been a lot, I have done two assignments already for public service but I still have one more but I nearly done it, but I still have to sort out other lessons, but there will be an update on a story soon hopefully after I have a long break, but maybe next Monday I will update at night as I have a bank holiday

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