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i was sorting out my homework that was due for the next week, my little sister was however in her room probably just messaging her mates, ive been stress so she knows not to annoy me, i sighed and laid back in annoyance, "why havent i got this solved" i got up and walked to the kitchen to make a hot drink, as i dont drink nothing cold or eat cold things, "hey Y/N im going out for a bit" hyerin said "okay, dont be back to late" i said, "wait why are you wearing a jumper its baking hot" i said walking up to her "im fine, dont worry" she said, she walked out the door, why is she like this, i grabbed my cup of tea and drank it, i walked with my cup in hand to finish this problem. 

its been five minutes still no luck, i sighed again and and put my pen down, my phone rang, it was hyerin "hey hyerin whats up" i said putting it up to my ear "are you hyerin sister" i heard someone say "yeah i am, who are you why do you have her phone" i said standing up "hyerin is getting into a fight with some bullies, can you head to seoul park" "yes, ill be there in 5 minutes" i hanged up grabbed my keys and put them in my pocket along with my phone, i ran out the door locking it and running to the park with anger in my blood, i ran in the park to see a crowd and yelling, "your hyerin sister" she grabbed my hand and pushed us though the middle to see hyerin, being punch "HYERIN" the girl punching her was about my age "who are you" they said coming up me "hyerin older sister, who are you thinking to bully my sister" i saw hyerin go behind me "she an easy target, cant do anything" she said laughing, my first thought was to punch her in the face "HOW DARE YOU" she raised her fist, i dogded it and punch her again, as she was now angry,  but i was vexed, we were throwing punches for a least two minutes till someone pulled me away, my first thing was police "LET GO OF ME!" i yelled, the girl i was punching had bloody lips and black eye. 

my sister followed me as the person placed me on a bench, it wasn't a policeman "why did you pull me away, i was protecting my sister" i said standing up. "you was going to kill her" he said, i grabbed my sisters hand and walked away back home "your gonna need to explain a lot when we get home" i walked up to the door, and searched in my pocket "where on earth is my phone and keys" i felt around my pocket to see they werent there "for heavens sake" i sighed "HEY" me and hyerin turned to see the dude who pulled me back "you dropped this" he came up to me and passed me my phone and keys, i bowed "thank you" i said to him "listen you was gonna kill her , but i saw your sister crying thats why i pulled you away as well cause she scared from the looks of it" i looked at the dude then at hyerin, i wrapped an arm around her, "thank you, im sorry i yelled my anger was getting best of me, but i appriate that you pulled me away, would you like to come in for a drink"i asked him, i unlocked the door for hyerin to go inside, which she was already "no its good" he said politely "please its the least i can do, and also im Y/N" i said smiling "okay, and im minghao, but call me the8" i nodded, and walked in the kitchen "would you like a drink" i asked "anything hot if you got that since i dont have anything cold" i smiled "i am the same, i cant have ice cream or anything cold" i smiled and put the kettle on.

"what work are you doing" he said sitting down "maths, but im struggling," i said passing him tea, i sat next to him and cleared up some of it "do you want me to help you" he asked, i thought about it "if you can help with one problem then yeah" i said putting the sheet of paper infront of him, he looked over, it and made some scribbles, i looked over to see what he was doing, he was solving it. "how come your not beaten up as badly as the girl was" the8 asked as he wrote more stuff down "oh, i done fighting clubs growing up, i can dodge well" i said taking a sip of my drink "what kind of fighting do you do then?" he asked me while looking at me "oh i did taekwondo, mixed material arts, judo and some chinese material arts" i said shrugging "wow, how come you didnt kill her, with what you can do and have learned," he said putting the pen down "well, i dont want to go to jail" i said tilting my head, "and i have to be here for hyerin" i said looking towards her room. 

we began to chat about some stuff, like childhood, and his group that he is in. we began to laugh at some other stuff "you laugh is so adorable the8" i said smilng "i get that a lot", we bth looked at eachother in the eyes, he placed his hands on face, i put my hands on his neck, and i moved closer, to him, he began to look at my lips then my eyes, next thing our lips were touching, moving in sync. we pulled away myt hands were now in his hair, his hands were on my waist, "your the only one i done that to" he said smiling and giggling "stop being so adorable" i said running my hand though his hair, smiling "how about we go on a date soon" he asked me "yeah of course., but im not sure when" i said wrapping my arms around him and placing my head on his chest, "we can arrange when its best for you" he said running his fingers though my hair, "aw i still gotta talk to hyerin, and what happened to make her go to the park" i said putting my legs so i was in a ball as the8 leaned back and my head was still on her chest "when i was at the park, i saw that the bully came up to her as she was talking to some girl, i think she was the one that may of called you" he said "really, so she went to see a mate, but the bully was there to just ambush her" "yeah probably" he said "Y/N" i got up and saw hyerin come towards us "hyerin, lets talk" i said getting up and sitting down, i saw that she didnt have her jumper on but a few scars, "hyerin.." i got up and sat infront of her lightly touching her wrist, "who did this" i looked at her "please tell me, i have to know" my eyes were pleading "they did it, they knew i was the weaker sister" she said hugging me "your not weak, i know i have done fighting classes growing up, but you arent weak, people are strong in there way, like she may of not expersience what you have hyerin, i am proud of you, and if she carries on tell me, i know she will probably be scared of me" i heard her laugh, "thank you unnie" she smiled and wiped her tears, "now i want you to go wash, and do any homework you have" i said standing "okay, thank you for being the best sister" she bowed to the8 and walked away "i hope she is alright now" the8 said "and me, mind you she is a fighter" i said grabbing my homework and placing them in my bag "oh and about that date, hows friday" i asked him, "yeah" he smiled, i opened my now cracked phone and went to my number and showed him, he took his phone and typed it in. "now i have an ecuse to talk to you" he said standing up infront of me "you do" i said sarcascly "hey i can fight you," he said giggling "can you now" i said confidently "i can use nunchucks" he said "prove it," i walked to one of the drawers and got out nunchucks, "show me what you got" i said chucking them at him, smirking.

I hope you enjoyed this, the8 skills are the best. ^.^

Seventeen ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora