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Soulmates? We all have them, some were lucky to meet there's young or meet them but sadly some never have the chance to. The way you find your soulmate is if something you write on your hand or wrist they can see, some decide to be cheesy and say lets me here on this date, some accidently meet them in school or work. Now you might be asking me what about my soulmate?

I haven't met them or anything, i havent even written on my own hand for them to see me, i don't want to be known as cheesy or anything, i just want to get on with life until a certain age, i just hope i have luck on my side and i meet someone who is right for that i can say he is my soulmate even if they're not.


I sat in my office and it was now 7:21pm and i wanted to go home but calls have came in non-stop. I stood up as no calls has came in for the last 5 minutes, i got up and grabbed my bag and placed in my things along with my water bottle. I walked out my office and saw an office walker jog towards me.

"Y/N, the boss wants you to do a meeting tomorrow at 11am, by yourself at a building called Pledis." He said to me, "Okay, thank you." I said smiling, i got out my phone but saw that it was dead, i grabbed my pen out of my bag and looked through my bag for a piece of paper which there wasn't any. 

I wrote on my hand about the project tomorrow to be there for 11am at Pledis building. I placed my pen back in my bag and walked off home.

I got home and noticed something else on my hand, ':)'. Why would my soulmate write a smiley face next to the meeting? I changed into my pj's and placed my phone on charge since i wanted to order food instead of cooking, as it was now 8:04pm. I opened my laptop and wrote into the search bar 'Pledis'.

I done some research and noticed there was a boy group called Seventeen who had 13 members, but some members explained they met there soulmates while other's haven't. I grabbed my phone and quickly ordered some pizza and chicken wings with it. 

I eventually arrived at the Pledis building and walked in, "How can i help you ma'am." She said looking at me, "Hi i'm Y/n Y/l/n i was put in for a meeting at 11am." I said, "Okay, please sit and i will get the manager to come down." She said smiling and typing on the computer, "Thank you." I said smiling, i sat down and looked at my phone to see if there was any messages from my boss.

"Miss Y/l/n would you like to follow me to the studio." A man said to me, I got up and placed my phone in my bag and followed him. We arrived at a studio and i saw the lights setup. "So the boys will be coming in a minute for the photoshoot all you have to do is take photos and if we like them, then you will become there new photographer." The man said, "Okay." I said simply.

I set up my camera and saw Seventeen come in, as i remembered from the research i did yesterday, I smiled as we all introduced ourselves. "So today is Miss Y/l/n trial to become the new photographer for the group, so show her what you guys got." The manager said, I smiled as the members stood there waiting, "Oh yeah, can i have a whole group then we will slowly break it down to do each individual member." I said smiling, they nodded and all stood together.

"Can i have seven of you stood then six kneeling." I said knowing that being a photographer you are the one who is in control. I smiled and began taking photos as they did different photos and teasing each other. Laughter was filling the air, as we was doing different poses that made the members be able to tease each other.

"Um Miss Y/l/n may you sign this quickly, i forgot to ask you at the front desk." The woman said, "Of course." I said smiling, i took the pen from her but accidently leaving a long line on my hand, "Oh my i'm sorry, let me get a tissue for you." She said, "It's okay, and don't worry about it." I said to her smiling, she smiled, and i passed back the signed paper back to her. "Thank you." She said smiling and walking back out of the studio.

I took more photos of different members as it was now mini groups, some was unit photos others was just a mix. I heard my name being said but not at me, "Hey Dino why do you and Y/n have the same mark on your hand." I heard one of them saying to there youngest, my eyes widen but i stayed focus on the 5 members that was infront of me. 

"Right why dont we have a break for 10 minutes and then you can each come in slowly for the individual shoots, we will go from youngest member to oldest." There manager said, i stayed behind and looked through the photos that i just taken for the last hour. There was only me in the room, i looked at my hand, "Could he be my soulmate?" I asked myself quietly, knowing if i did say it loud someone could of heard it or they would think im crazy speaking to myself.

I heard a knock then a head popped in from behind the door, "Hey is it good if i start now, even tho it was meant to be a 10 minute break." Dino said walking in, "Of course." I said smiling and standing up from looking at the photos on the computer screen instead of my camera. "Right, so we are going to start from going soft to then more serious." I said to him, which he nodded and just stood smiling, 

"Can i ask you a question." Dino asked me as he began to become more serious with his photos, "Of course, shoot." I said realising my pun, as i smiled like a bigger fool, "Have you found your soulmate." Dino asked, which made my smile disappear, "No not yet, but i have really thought about it." I said lying a bit as i have thought about it not even minutes ago, "Why?" I said, "I think you might be mine." He said standing there looking at me through the lens.

"Dino, we should check at least." I said, he quickly nodded and pulled out a pen from his pocket, "Did you just carry that in there for this." I said smiling and giggling, "Maybe." He said, i walked up to him as he drawn a little smiley face on his hand, which we then looked at mine and saw the exact same smiley face in the same place.

I blushed and looked at the smiley face on both our hands to make sure i wasn't dreaming, "We're soulmates." I said looking at him smiling, "I found you." He said smiling, "Would you like to go out on a date after this." Dino blurted out all of a sudden, i smiled and nodded, "Of course, i would love to." I said smiling, knowing that my life was most likely about to become 100% better now that i have found the one, and i didn't need to wait till a certain age, before i would have probably became cheesy, if it got to that.

I hope you liked this, my brain didn't really know where to go, but i did it, i have some idea for the next but i do hope Dino is okay as he did get covid while in L.A, so get well soon, but i will be going back to college soon so updating maybe different but i will try my best until it does start which is in about 2 week. >.<

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