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It was a warm evening with me and Jun sat in bed as he was on his phone playing game and i was on my laptop thinking about what i could write for a book, my publisher wanted something from me, at least a sample or idea of a book and what to write in a book. 

I had no idea on what to even write let alone a book idea, I put my head against Jun's shoulder, I felt him place his hand on my thighs, "What's wrong honey bunny." Jun asked as he placed his phone to the side. "My publisher wants my idea on a book or a sample and i have neither, i'm having really bad writers block." I said pouting. Jun grabbed my laptop and placed it on the table next to me and his phone.

"Lay down." He said, i raised my eyebrow. "Why?" I said, "Just do it." He said getting his hands ready to tickle me if i didn't. "Fine." I said, i laided down flat and Jun's got on top of me and cuddled my placing his head in the crook of my neck, "Now this should help." He said drawing random shapes on my sides as he was now my little koala cuddling me.

I woke up to Jun now rolled over back on his side asleep, i grabbed my laptop and opened it up to see my lockscreen as it lit up the room, it was me and Jun in the middle hugging while the boys were around me. I looked at it then back at Jun. "Jun baby." I said softly, in which he turned over and groaned, "Baby." I said again as i sat up, "Whats wrong?" He said opening his eyes, "I think i have my idea for my book, but i wanna check with you first then other people after." I said, "Yeah what is it," He said getting up and cuddling to my sides.

"I think i want to write about you and the members and how you came about, but also write sections about us and how we met and became what we are today." I said as he looked at me with awe in his eyes. "I love that, and i'm sure the boys would as well." He said kissing my hand, i smiled and kissed his. "Now go back to sleep, i'll message the boys." I said.

I smiled as i saw the replies from the boys all accepting my book idea. I began to go onto my laptop and getting ready to type it up using my app to write my books. The first chapter would be about seventeen who they are but also who me and Jun is. I smiled as my fingertips began to write the first few paragraphs. 

I copied and pasted the first few line into an email to my publisher and smiled as i sent it off to her and shut my laptop as it was now 1am and Jun would need to be at the dance studio in the morning. I placed it to the side and placed my phone on charge and checked Jun did the same with his phone. I cuddled up next to him and shut my eyes as sleep fell over me.

I woke up to Jun poking me, "Jun baby stop." I said giggling and turning to the side, "honey bunny time to wake up." He said poking my cheeks, i opened my eyes slightly and turned over so he couldn't poke them. "Honey bunny." He said tickling my sides, which made me move around from under him. "I'm awake." I said laughing, "Good, now lets eat breakfast then get ready to go." He said kissing my lips as he got off.

I walked into the living room with my laptop in my bag and grabbed its charger from the floor in the living room. I walked in the kitchen to see some spicy tuna bibimbap on the table. We sat down with Jun next to me as he had his game on.

We reached the dance room where all the boys were the or some havent yet arrived, i sat in the corner and placed in my headphones and opened my emails on my laptop. "Jun!" I said smiling and looking at him. "My sample was accepted my publisher is willing for me to write a book about us and seventeen." I said getting my laptop off my lap and getting up as Jun ran to me picking me up and spinning me. "Well done Honey bunny." He said hugging me tightly. The boys all clapped and said well done to me while patting our shoulders or backs.

I had my laptop on my lap as i began to write about seventeen and each member and who they were. Everything i wrote was about the members and how they started out and auditioned. I looked over at Jun as he danced to the songs they were practicing, i then began to write about when we met which was predebut in a cafe.

i wrote about us first meeting and just being friends for about 3 years before we finally started dating, it was around the time that 'Pretty U' came out we dated before it got released. I watched as Jun walked towards me and the members were sitting down around the dance studio. "How are thigns going?" He said sitting next to me placing his head on my shoulder, "done the two pages but im going to be making changes to them in a minute i just first want to get everything down first then write it out."

Me and Jun talked about the book and how i would be laying it out, Jun had his hand on my thigh as i talked about what i palnned to do with 2 chapters being about him and then me and then 4 chapters on us and how things went the pros and cons of our relationship then where we were today. i knew this book was going to be good.


i layed in bed thinking about the last line that means something to seventeen but also me and Jun. I looked over at our photo frame on our bedside that had on the top of it seventeens chant 'Say the Name' i looked back at my screen and smiled. 'Seventeen is the home and the hugs you need, they will always be there even after the last seventeen which will not be for a very long time.' I wrote smiling as i typed each letter. I reached the end after two months. 

I sent it off to my publisher ready for it to be looked over and decided if i can be sent and made into the book. I got up and walked into the living room to see Jun on his phone. "Baby, you now have me till my next book." I said laying down next to him and cuddled up to his side. "Yes finally." He said pulling me onto his lap and cuddled up to me, "Now tho i gotta wait if they are willing to publish it." I said having my head on his shoulder. I had a gut feeling that this book would be successful but also it would have a lot of meanings to all carats but also to each of the boys and Jun and me.

I hope you guys enjoyed it, i finally turned 18, a couple days back but i now have 6 weeks off college so there should be an update every week or two a week if i know what i want to write which i do have a list of ideas that i have planned for a few members. But Seventeens leaders unit song cheers i love it like S.Coups, hair looks amazing but just the dance and vibe to it in general is amazing

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