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I laid in my bed as woozi been working in the studio all, I sighed and cuddled up to my favourite plushie, I knew woozi would be working on songs, but it is 11:25pm and he wasn't back.

I grabbed my phone and messaged woozi I was gonna sleep so try not to wake me up when he got back. I placed my phone on charge and cuddled up to my plushie.

I woken up to feel arms wrap around me "woozi" I mumbled and turned around "sleep baby, I have a present for you in the morning" he said kissing my cheek, I smiled and cuddled into his neck, letting sleep take over me.

I woken up and opened my eyes to see woozi putting on a new shirt "morning baby" I said sleepily "morning baby, did you sleep well" he said, coming up to me and cupping cheeks "yeah, what about you" I said placing a kiss on his lips, "I slept well, come on let's get breakfast" he said, I got up and grabbed my phone. We walked downstairs and he walked to his bag while I went to the kitchen and got some fruit, "babe here" woozi said passing me papers that was stapled together "what's this" I said looking at him.

I was now crying happy tears "woozi, this is, this is beautiful" I said looking at him "good, because it's gonna be a song that is for you, to tell you that I love you" he said sitting next to me "woozi, who knew you are romantic, and I love you too" I said kissing his cheek to see him turn red "I hope you like it" he said "I love it" I said smiling.

I changed into a jumper and leggings, and walked into the bathroom, and sorted out my nose ring "baby you ready" woozi said "yeah" I walked out and walked to see woozi "so we are gonna head to my studio then go to a cafe yeah" he said, I nodded and grabbed my bag placing it on my back, and grabbed boots placing them on then taking woozis hand.

I sat on down on the sofa, as woozi set up all his gear ready to record the new song that he made for me. I saw him walk into the booth and set the mic ready for him, I saw scoups come in "hi seungcheol" I said to him "hey Y/N, hey woozi" scoups said pressing the button to talk to woozi in the booth, scoups sat down and gave woozi a thumbs up.

I smiled as I listened to woozi singing with passion "hey Y/N, what do you think do it" scoups whispered to me "I love it, I'm thankful woozi made it for me " I said smiling, I turned my attention to woozi as I saw him smiling at me.

I laided down on the sofa as woozi was sorting the music out since scoups left, "baby do you want to listened to it as I finished it" he said, I nodded and got up next to him sitting on the spare chair. He pressed play and held my hand, I listened to each word carefully while smiling. I caressed my thumb over his hand "it's beautiful I love it" I said to woozi, "I'm glad" he kissed my cheek.

"Babe can you go to the boys dorm upstairs and head to my old room and grab a few clothes that I left" he asked me "of course" I kissed his cheek and left.

Woozi POV

I watched as she left and set up a camera quickly. I pressed record and began to speak before Y/N came back.

I placed the video on a stick along with the song ready to edit at home, when I saw Y/N come in "sorry I took a while the boys wanted to have a quick talk to me" she said smiling and placing a bag down on the sofa "that's fine, should we head to the coffee shop" I asked her "yes" she smiled.

We reached home and I went and sat in the sofa "baby I'm gonna do a bit of work but I'll be back in about half an hour" I said as I saw her walked to our room "okay, I'll be doing some studying" she said smiling.


I shut my door and walked to my desk and for out some papers that could help me with learning Chinese even though I could ask Jun or the8 but I wanted to learn for them since I grew up in China for a while before I moved back to Korea.

I saw woozi come in our room smiling "baby go to YouTube" woozi said to me, I opened my laptop and went to YouTube, he began to type as his arms were around me. I saw that he wrote in seventeen. I saw a post that was done 3 minutes ago. He pressed it and it was the song he sang for me and composed for me. I smiled as woozi hugged me, "wait for the end" he said, I nodded as it was him singing in the studio.

It was the end of the video and it cut to woozi in he audio sitting "hi everyone, I just wanted to say I hope you liked that song, but someone I know that is very close to me loved the song that I infact made for them, that person being my girlfriend Y/N, she went out to get some clothes from the dorm but I just wanted to say that I do infact now have an amazing, beautiful girlfriend, I'm so thankful to have her, I just wanted to say this, but this song I hope will mean everything to her, now I best end the video since she may come back right now but I hope you accept her" woozi said smiling, he smiled at the camera and it stopped ending the video "woozi, did you just" I said in shook and holding tears "I hope your okay with it, it's just that I want to show you off as you are my first girlfriend" he said crouching next to me "I don't kind, I'm just shooked, I never knew you really saw me as your everything" I said holding his hand "well you are" he said placing a kiss on my lips, I smiled into the kiss and kissed back placing a hand in his hair.

I hoped you liked this more cute on, now I may not update as much but some of the story's may be similar with my kpop story as I wanna do the same idea but for this seventeen imagine

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