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Joshua's POV

Music was the only things that could be heard from my dorm room, every day and every night a guitar was being played. It never did annoy me but i know it annoyed whoever played it because they would always play up to a certain point and then just stop and re play it, I knew what the song was and what was being played but it felt wrong going over there and correcting them.

I got my work ready to go to class which was english Lit. I walked out of my dorm with my books and headphones and realised that the guitar has stopped for a while, well since grabbing my books for class. 

Joshua reached the classroom and sat in the middle as there was a few student already in there seats ready for the professor to start the lecture, Joshua saw a girl he's been crushing on come in with her hair in a bun, her outfit being black jogger with butterfly on the side and a plain black belly top. She sat near joshua on his row but a few seats away, he could see that she had her phone out and was watching a video, he decided to just focus on lesson and wait for the professor to arrive.


I sat watching a video on someone playing the song and going through each note and showing how to go from one finger to the other, I knew i was struggling and being in my dorm made it worst due to not being able to play it fully without having someone come and knock on the door telling me to be quiet.

I mimic the movements with my fingers as if i was playing my guitar so that i could understand how to do it and i was following the video bit by bit.

The professor came in to class and i placed my phone in my pocket to see that i guy a few seats over was looking at me then looked away when i looked at him.

I made it to the music studio once i grabbed my guitar from my dorm room, and i placed it ready with the video on my phone, i sat down strumming my guitar ready for the video to start but the door opened.

"I'm so sorry i thought this room was free it didn't have the busy sign showing above the door." The guy said, i think he was in my english lit class.

"No im sorry i forgot to place it on, but if you need the room use it, i'm just practicing." I said to the guy.

"No its fine you can use it, what song you praticing?" He asked me as he shut the door, normally i don't really talk to people when i just want to focus on guitar and music.

"Under the bridge by red hot chilli peppers, but im struggling with one part." I said to him grabbing my phone and going to the part.

"Oh, i know that song and how to play it on guitar why don't i help you." He said to me, i looked at him.

"You're really gonna give up your own time to help me out." I said to him with a slight shock in my voice.

"Yeah, i know the song and how to play it, so why not." He said, i smiled and grabbed a stool from behind me.

"I'm Y/N by the way." I said as he sat down in front of me.

"I'm Joshua, but you can call me Shua." Joshua said, i smiled softly as i got my hands positioned on the guitar.

"I'm gonna play the song, play how you normally would and if you struggle or we reach the part you struggle with ill help you out." Joshua said, I simply smiled and started playing when the song started.

We reached the part that i struggle with and Joshua smiled.

"You're doing good but i know what you are doing wrong, here." He said as he placed his hand on top of mine allowing the positioned to change which made it easier to do the next chord.

"Oh that makes a lot more sense." I said he moved his hand away as we stared as eachother for a while.

"Yeah, it does help just being in that position that was you can move more fluidly and its not straining your wrist." Joshua said, I smiled as i just praticed the chord again which i was able to do with not much struggle.

"Thank you, this means a lot, i been struggling for a while." I said to him, his eyes looked like they were searching my eyes.

"Is your dorm C128?" He asked, i would feel creeped out but due to my guitar and music playing i'm surprised if no one knew me.

"Yeah why, do i make too much noise." I asked him.

"No you don't really make that much noise to me, and i'm your neighbour room C127, it's just that i thought i could hear you struggle cause i would always hear this song then when it gets to this point its redone like something happened." Joshua said, i smiling shyly.

"Yeah you're right i did struggle, and at least i know who to go if i struggle or just need to say sorry due to the excessive amount of noise." I said to him.

"No you don't need to apologise, i'm just glad i helped you out." Joshua said.

Y/N and Joshua both walked back towards their dorms.

"Well thank you for today, you helped me out massively and if i get the whole song done, you might not have to hear it that much after." Y/N said after giving a soft chuckle, in which Joshua did the same.

"Well if so at least i know you done it and you have done well." He said, he looked at me then smiled.

"I don't do this but would you be willing at some point to do a guitar session, think of it like a date?" Joshua asked as they reached their dorm rooms,

"I would like that very much, and maybe teach eachother different techniques." Y/N said, joshua nodded.

They said there goodbyes and got back into their own dorms, Y/N placed her guitar on her stand and sat on her bed laying back squealing of happiness that wasn't to loud, not knowing that Joshua was also doing something similar but back in his room.

Hiya, long time no see, I'm so sorry this one is short in a way, i just want to get back into writing and this may be a good way, but many things happened since last time, like i only have two months in college before i finished completely, got my first tattoo, and different things, but my liking of kpop have changed however i'm getting slowly back into it, or might just listen and watch selective things but mainly seventeen. Anyways please give suggestion for the next lot of members if you read this far as i'm struggling with what to write although jun i have my idea with what to do, but anyways i might update the next two weeks or later due to exams beginning to start after two weeks, but ill do my best >.<

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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