Sigils and Pancakes

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~ another drawing by me, of course. this ones not in color though.

(y/n pov)

The next morning I was unpleasantly aroused from sleep by a bright, intrusive light hitting my face. Squinting my tired eyes in order to identify the disturbance, I found my curtain pulled back halfway, and a mirror facing me sitting in my desk chair bending the light onto my poor exhausted face.

Deciding to not give whoever did these any satisfaction, I turned around and pulled out a sleep mask from under my pillow, right next to the knife I keep there with a sheath on it, and put it on to go back to sleep.

About an hour past and my semi-conscious brain picked up that someone was opening my door and walked into the room. Not wanting to deal with any bullshit, I rolled out of the bed and then rolled underneath.

Nobody knows this, but under my bed on the wall is a small panic room type thing that's big enough for an average-sized male. I of course fit perfectly in the space. Rolling right into the space and silently closing the completely hidden latch behind me, I went back to sleep.

I woke up about half an hour later and bashed my head into the ceiling of the space due to a floating head...

(Brian's Pov)

I watched as y/n rolled under her bed. I guess she was awake enough to sense me entering her room. I gave her a second to see if she rolls back out, but she never did.

I got down on my hands and knee, peeking under the best, and I was completely shocked to find that she wasn't there.

"Where the F%^& did she go?..."

I moved around some of the junk that was under there, expecting her to be somehow hiding under here, but even when I pulled everything out she was nowhere to be seen.

While I was half under the bed Tim walked in.

"What the hell are you doing under y/n's bed?"
"Looking for y/n believe it or not. I watched her roll under here but I can't find her."
"Is this one of your pranks? It's kinda lame..."
"No man, I'm completely serious. She got spirited away or something."

Tim decided to help me find her, although at first, he wasn't taking it seriously. About ten minutes of not finding her he started to get worried as well. We searched the whole house, the yard, her car, everywhere. I knew we couldn't call her since her phone was still in her room, and she wasn't responding to either of us yelling for her.

Another half an hour of semi-frantic searching later, Tim got an idea.

"Hey, that Ben dude is technically a ghost right? Can he like, float through walls? What if she's in some secret room or basement we don't know about?"
"I mean, it's worth asking?"

I grabbed her phone from her room, but it was password-protected, so I moved to her computer. Luckily she kept her screen organized, and there was a post-it note in the drawer with the password. I quickly found her and Ben's chat room and sent him a message.

Hey Ben? It's Brian/Hoodie<-
->Hey, what's up?
We need your help. y/n disappeared.<-
->Wait, y/n what?
I watched her roll under her bed, but she's not there. Tim and I've been looking for her for about half an hour and we can't find her. <-
->I'm on my way, you'll have to let me in.

The two of us ran out to where we have to pull Ben through the barrier. We each grabbed a hand and pulled. We noticed, however, that it was harder for the two of us to pull him in without y/n helping, and not just because there were fewer people. It's like the barrier was fighting us back harder than it used to.

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