Mall time!- IT'S NOT A DATE! -oof, feelings

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~Hello! Enjoy the chapter! Here's another drawing by me!

I pulled up to the mall parking garage, driving up three levels before finding a spot. I counted that as a win. We got out of the car and made our way inside through the Macy's entrance. The doors closed behind us and we joined hands. Brian on my left and Tim on my right.

(while drawing the image for this chapter I used their selfies from Facebook to determine their eye colors. Tims got what appears to be dark green and sometimes brown eyes and Brian has (according to his Tumblr) Hazel eyes, although in his new profile pic his eyes are a bright blue with the assistance of a frost filter.)

Since we were already in Macy's we decided to head over to the men's section. Once we were over there we let each other go as we spread out into the aisles. "Feel free to get $100 worth of clothes each. Trust me I've got money to spare." they both looked like they would fight me, so I gave them a death glare and they relented. Albeit begrudgingly.

I grabbed myself a new black hoodie that said "If you ever see me Jogging, please kill whatever is Chasing Me" and another one, galaxy colored, that said, "If you get any closer I'll have to ask you to Roll For Initiative." Both I got two sizes larger than what would normally fit me for men's clothes.

Both of the guys got some normal clothes, nothing too nice, although Tim had chosen a pretty nice flannel. I might have to steal it in the future.

The guys insisted on holding all the bags, so I held their free hands with mine as I did earlier while we moved onto another store. We looked around for another hour or two, of course getting some cool stuff from HotTopic and a few other places, and then decided to have dinner at the food court.

It is currently 8:23 and the mall closes at 9:30, although some stores close at 9.

I had some beef teriyaki with noodles from some Asian place, Tim got a burger, and Brian got chicken wings. We sat at the edge of the sitting area where we could see a majority of the room.

As we ate a guy across the room caught my eye. I don't know why, he looked pretty normal. He had honey brown hair, tanned skin, and he was too far for me to see anything else. However... It felt like he was looking at us.

He was leaning against one of the walls near the bathrooms facing us, and his arms were crossed over his chest. He didn't move, but I think he noticed I saw him. I kept my eyes on him as I addressed the guys. Tim was sitting on my right and Brian was across from us.

"Hey, Brian, do you see the guy by the wall near the bathrooms? I think he's watching us..."

He calmly continued to chew his burger as he looked where I indicated.

"Yeah. I see him."

The two of us continued to watch him for a while until he disappeared into the bathrooms.

After that weird encounter, we headed straight back home. We didn't talk much about the guy. For all we know, he could have been zoned out and looking through us. He was too far away to tell for sure, so unless we saw him again we were going to ignore what happened.

We put away the stuff we bought and decided to head straight to bed after our long day. As I laid down, I could tell It would take forever for me to fall asleep right now. Deciding to be productive I pulled out the book Tim had rudely thrown at my face the other day. I'll admit I totally forgot about it.

Since I didn't feel like really reading it right now, I just skimmed it for anything interesting.

"Experiment one unsuccessful. The portal was unstable and cut the apple in half. Wouldn't trust it with a body... attempt 15... 17... stable portal only big enough for a large dog, maybe a crawling human... Mushrooms were in fact hallucinogenic, that was interesting... I should not have eaten those berries... been in the hospital again, that was dumb...dont eat the purple ones while on your period. It doesn't end well." So far I've gathered that the writer is female.

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