We're off to see the slender! The wonderful slender-oh fk!

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~my drawing!

As my eyes slowly opened I was met with Bens sleeping face. I guess all of that crying really exhausted him, it looks like he hadn't moved an inch. If he wasn't breathing, I would have assumed he died again....' wow, it only now occurred to me that I technically just slept with a ghost... who somehow ages like normal...it's probably the case that, since he is a ghost, he's able to change himself slowly, so he's choosing to age right now...' Before I continued my mental rant, I decided to get dressed and eat something.

Sadly those plans were put on halt for a moment. Looking down at where his hand was gripping onto mine. 'I guess he did move a bit... how did I not notice he was holding my hand?...'

Luckily It was easy to get out of his grip. I grabbed some camo leggings and an oversized black shirt and then went into my ensuite to take a shower. When I looked into the mirror I noticed the red tear stains on my shoulder, luckily it didn't get on my tank top.


Now in the kitchen, I pulled out the ingredients for breakfast; eggs, milk, pancake mix, vanilla, cooking spray, syrup, and of course the waffle iron. I mixed the batter, adding in the vanilla and a bit of the syrup. Then I greased up the waffle iron and got to work. Once I made all of the waffles I took my serving and put the rest in the microwave with a note on the door. That way, whenever the boys got around they could have some of the fluffy goodness.

Just when I was taking my first bite, my phone went off. Shoving the waffle piece in my mouth I grabbed my phone to check it. Apparently I got a message from... Ben?

"Hey! It's Toby!"

Oh, that makes more sense.


"Is Ben still at your place?"

"Yeah. He will be back tonight and I'm coming with him for a visit."

"Really?! Did Slender give you permission?"

"Yeah, we met with him yesterday. He's a lot taller in person, lol."

"Lol, yeah he is. Can't wait to meet you face to face!"

"Me too. Is there anyone I should be wary of during my visit? I know not to accept any candy from LJ, but I want to hear what you think."

"Hmm... I guess just make sure not to stare at anyone. And if Jeff asks if you think he's beautiful, just go along with it, unless you want to piss him off. Considering you have me and Ben on your side I'll think you'll be fine."

"That's good to hear. Thanks Toby."

"No problem! Anyways, what are you doing rn?"

"Eating waffles."

"Mmm, sounds good. I'm kind of jealous."

"Lol. I can bring you one if you'd like."

"YES PLZ!!!!"


I got to know Toby a bit better while I ate my breakfast. The guys came down at some point to get their own, and I made sure to put two in a Tupperware for Toby before they were all gone. The proxy duo had taken their food to the attic, and when Ben came down he sat next to me. "Who are you texting?" He asked. "Toby." "When did you get his contact info?" "I didn't, he's on your computer." I heard him mumble to himself that he's gonna kill Toby, which of course made me laugh.

"Anyways, are you nervous about tonight?" I thought about it. "Not really. You and Toby will have my back, and Slender seems nice enough. I've also done a bit of research on everyone else so I think I know what and who to look out for. I'm kinda excited actually. It feels like I'm in some really cool fictional story." "hehe, you're so weird." "Thank you. So are you."

Drowning's Not Fun - BEN Drowned x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now