A/N~ Important!

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~hey guys! I have a mission for all you lovely readers. In order to bring you guys the best possible stories, I require your input. So, I ask that you use the comments section to ask questions about the story. Wether it's about grammatical errors or about the plot please tell me about it! Also, the person who provides the most helpful comments throughout the progression of the story will get a shout out at the end! This goes for my other books as well.

so, if you want the "Most Helpful Reader" Award, then you gotta work for it!

anyways, I love you guys and I'll see you in the next chapter!!!!!

Other books~
My Grape : Vincent x reader

You deserve love : Foxy x reader

Surprise help: EJ x reader

Drownings not Fun: Ben Drowned x reader

Adventure: one shot stories

Drowning's Not Fun - BEN Drowned x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now