♥️❤️Valentine's day special❤️♥️

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~this special chapter was requested by Arinnia8610/looney and also features NumzaTheAbomination/Lilith from quotev. This has no effect on the plot- it's just for fun. Happy Valentine's Day!

February 14th, AKA Valentine's day, is tomorrow. Ben and I have been friends for a few years now, and I might have a crush on him. Sadly, I think I've been friend-zoned. I've given him hints that I like him, but they've all just gone over his head. Tomorrow is my chance to finally tell him, it's a direct manner this time, that i like him more than a friend.

"Hey (y/n)!" he called from the bottom of the stairs. Peeking out of my bedroom door I yelled back, "Yeah?" "Someone is at the door!" Pocketing my phone I curiously walked downstairs. 'Who the frick would be at my door?' I asked myself. When I stood next to Ben I asked, "Do you know who it is?" he just shrugged and jumped over the back of the couch to continue his game. Lightly glaring, I laughed at his antics and turned my attention to the locked front door.

Just as I opened it up I was met with sarcasm. "I thought you would NEVER open the friggin door!" I was faced with a teenage girl with elbow-length Brown hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. Her bangs brushed her eyelashes as she playfully glared at me. Beside her was another teen who had reddish brown hair in a bob haircut. Her green eyes stared back into mine.

For a moment, I just stared at them silently. Trying to place them in my memory. "Wow, it's only been three years and you've already forgotten us." The green eyed one closed her eyes, crossed her arms, and huffed at the ground. "I feel so loved (n/n)" that's when it clicked. "Ari! Lilith! Holy sh- Im so sorry! Come in!" I opened the door wider for them to pass me into the house. "It's cool. Still love you." Ari smiled. Lilith just laughed at my stupidity. I lead them farther into the house and we stopped in the living room. "Hey Ben, these are my friends from highschool Arinnia and Lilith." Ben closed his eyes as he quickly popped his neck. I knew this was him switching his blood-red eyes for human blue ones. Luckily, he was already wearing normal clothes and had washed his face earlier. As he turned around, It honestly struck me as odd how normal she looked. 'Still cute though...'

"Hey. I'm Ben, (n/n)'s friend." Ari smirked as Lil exclaimed, "I thought you were her boyfriend or something." they all laughed, and I laughed along. 'I wish he was...' "anyways, what brings you guys to visit?" I asked. "What? We can't just visit you? Do We have to have a reason?" came Ari's sarcastic reply. "No, but usually you have one." "fair." the smirk on her face faltered slightly, but it wouldn't be noticeable if I hadn't known her for years. She then shared a look with Lil before refacing me. "Can we talk in your room?" I gave her a curious look, my smile also faltering. Something was wrong. "Of course! BRB Ben." he nodded and returned to his game.

As we ascended the stairs Ari's and Lil's smiles got smaller and smaller. Locking my bedroom door behind us, I was finally able to confront them. "Spill." Ari's eyes were downcast as she sat on my bed, Lil taking the bean bag. Arinnia spoke first. "I have a..Hypothetical question." the way she said it almost sounded like it was a question. "Say I did something... really bad? What would you do?" "did you murder a baby?" "OH GOD NO!" "A Child?" "NO!" "uuhhhh..... Then what did you do?" she went silent.

"Do you... do you remember that girl at school who was always staring at me when you were in high school?" I think I know where this is going. "Well... when you left...turns out she was a yandere lesbian." ...okay maybe I don't know... "so um... last year I had rejected her valentines... and she didn't like that... so she started bullying me..." lil then jumped in. "About a week ago, she went a bit too far and I... I pulled out my pocket knife from that secret pocket in my purse and I...I... stabbed her 28 times...." ...nope I was right... "but that's not all we did." At Ari's add-on my confusion returned. "Together, the two of us kinda... sorta... ripped her apart and dropped her body in the lake.." Lil finished the story.

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