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Jada's POV

A downside I had learned a while back was that I couldn't see myself in any mirror, window, body of water, photograph, or any other variation of reflection you could think of.

But anyone who could see me would.

I'm like a vampire, but only to myself.

The only way to 'break the curse' in a a sense, was to complete my unfinished business. This being the only way Louis saw fit for a 'silent nod' that I had achieved my unknown goal.

Of course this has taken a drastic toll on me and my self image, seeing as I could no longer tell if I was even half presentable at any point in time. But Hannah always told me I looked just fine.

But who ever believed a case with no evidence?

And even after almost an entire year of this lifely hell, I still find myself back here every time.

Staring into a blank reflection.

Waiting for my face to suddenly stare back at me.

But yet again, it never did.

To be honest, This was one of the only things that made me truly feel dead. Not just physically, but mentally too.

The door beside me quickly opened and latched shut but I didn't bother looking to see who it was.

I mean I was sick and tired of hiding anyway.

"What are you doing all alone in here?"

"Practicing witchcraft." I smugly replied, still not meeting her gaze.

"Right well, when you're done with that could you come sit by me so I know you're not gonna get in any trouble?" She pleaded.

"Oh so that's why you came in here." I laughed.
"Not to see if I was okay, but to make sure you were gonna be okay." I finally looked at her.

"What the hell does that mean?" She squinted.

"You don't care how I feel about any of this!" I exclaimed. "As far as you're concerned i'm just your imaginary friend."

"You know that's not true." She pointed.

"Isn't it?" I questioned. "You act like an overprotective parent all the time. First you tell me I can't leave the house, Then you tell me I can't show myself to anyone else, and now I can't even sit alone in the f*cking bathroom." I clenched my fists as my words seemed to build my already pulsing rage.

"What is this? Just an attack on me all of the sudden? I came in here asking if you were okay and now you're just pulling out shit you were always okay with just to yell at me?" She defended.

"Who said I was ever okay with it? Because I know for sure it wasn't me?" I laughed. "Do you remember all those times I begged and pleaded for you to take me places with you just so I could feel like I was truly a part of life again? But you just told me to stay in the house? Does that ring a bell for you?"

"Jada you need to-" She started.

"And what about how you said no to taking me on this tour at first because you were afraid of your boyfriend finding out about me? How do you think that made me feel? Cause it sure as hell wasn't 'okay'." I argued.

"Don't bring Michael into this." She warned.

"Oh right cause I forgot Michael was above me on your status." I almost laughed.

"Oh shut up you know I made these rules for your own good." She pointed.

"Was it really for my own good?" I paused. "Or was it for yours." I shook my head.

"What are you trying to say?" She wondered.

"I'm saying you made these rules so that you wouldn't be associated with 'ghost girl'." I gestured air quotes as I finished.

"No I made them so that you wouldn't have the harsh reality of exposing yourself to people who didn't know you." She stepped closer. "Because I know if you weren't the person I buried just hours before I can't say I wouldn't have dropped the bat."

"Well you might've well just swung because clearly your life would be much more simpler if you just told me to f*ck off." I spat, but much quieter.

"You know I wouldn't trade you for anything." She tried reminding me.

"You should have thought about that before you killed me twice." I looked her up and down.

"Twice?" She questioned.

"Once in the car." I brought up. "And once when you chose simplicity over my humanity."

A huff of breath came from her nose in response. Unsure of what to even say.

Deciding it was better to just leave me alone instead of continue the argument, she turned around towards the door again. But before she could fully turn the handle to leave I decided I wanted another shot.

"Happy anniversary." I scoffed.

She paused, pulling out her phone to read "12:01am"

She looked back at me with a blank face and spoke.

"You know every night for a week before your funeral I prayed and wished to every star in the sky to take it all back and make it my fate instead?"

"But only for that week, right?" I reminded.

Yet again I got no response. Just a simple turn around and walk out the door back to a much different scenery full of laughing faces that only one of us gets to enjoy.

But hey, it's for my own good right?

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