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Ashtons POV


That was the only word I could recite at this moment.

I didn't know what from or where to but something or someone was telling me to keep going.

I ran down an eerily dark and quiet road, letting the bottoms of my vans slap the ground beneath me until the voice told me to stop. I happily obliged, catching my breath and grasping the burning pit in my stomach from the lack of preparation for this event.

I looked around to see nothing but darkness surrounding the yellow dotted road that held silver railing along the perimeter and grass dips on either side.

"What the hell?" I muttered in between breaths. "Why am I here?"

As soon as the words came out I saw two bright headlights start to swerve in my direction.

"Oh for f*cks sake." I complained, starting to jog to the other side of the road in order to not get hit.

I didn't need that right now.

When I reached my absolute paradise of a destination beside the road I watched as the car swerved into the railing causing a hellish screeching sound to ring through the silent night.

"Motherf*cker" I cringed holding my hands up to my ears in order to muffle the ungodly noise.

The screeching was soon replaced by the sound of the car toppling over on its side, breaking every window, headlight, and mirror. And not too mention completely totaling the yellow jeep.

"Holy shit!" I yelled out, starting to run over to the scene.

I knelt down despite the shattered glass beneath me and looked through where the windshield once was.

In the seats lie two unconscious girls with bits of glass all through their hair and fresh cuts lining their necks and faces. The girl in the passenger seat had her arm in such a position that it would have been impossible not to have at least sprained it.

But i'd call her lucky if that's all she did, considering she had no seatbelt on.

"Jesus christ." I exclaimed, almost tearing up at the sight, despite not even being able to see the driver's face as her hair was laid entirely across her features.

But I saw the other one.

She was beautiful, honestly. although covered in injuries and blood, I could see every facial feature perfectly.

She seemed almost... familiar, in a way. But that's probably just my head running wild.

It was a shame she was in such a mess.

I snapped out of my quick state of admiration, realizing this was most definitely not the time and tried to speak to them.

"Hello?" I called out but to no avail. "Are either of you awake?"

Still no response.

"Shit, I don't know what to do." I choked out with watery eyes.

I didn't have a phone on me. I couldn't call anyone.

To be standing in front of such a problem without being able to find a solution was truly a curse.

Had I just watched them die? My thoughts raced faster than the situation itself had escalated in the first place.

"Why me?" I pleaded to the sky above my head. "Why am I here?" I stood up.

"I asked the same thing." A voice I'd never heard before spoke from beside me.

Ghost Of You (AI)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora