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The sight was a horrid one. The sound of screeching tires, shattered windows, broken headlights, pain filled screams, and curses.
The fluttering eyelids and muttered "I'm sorry's" will always be an easy sob story for those who make it out.

that is, if you make it out.

Flashing lights and murmured medical terms poured into the once vibrant and laugh filled car signifying that this was more real than anyone would like to admit.

They were both awake but who makes it past the ambulance ride is anyone's guess. Not even the luckiest betting man would put his money on this one.

Two stretchers were brought out and two willing victims were placed upon them. The driver of the two looked over to her friend in hopes of anything. Any sign of life, considering that's all that really mattered right now. Thankfully her friend returned the favor with a look that seemed to say "hey, i'm still here." Which was all she could really ask for at this stage. Her stretcher was taken into the first ambulance. Her friend gave a sympathetic smile as the doors closed.

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