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Louis' POV

When I let Niall in the room with Hannah I got a chance to slip out and go to where I needed to be.

So with a simple nod and a click of a door I went into the men's room praying no one would be in there.

Thankfully my guardian angel seemed to be on my side today and pushed luck my way. The moment I opened the door, the last gentleman was just stepping out. I held the door for him because obviously karma is paying attention to me as of now.

I then slowly shut the door and quickly shuffled over to a stall and locked the door.

With a deep breath and a snap of a finger the once pencil engraved school-like bathroom stall was now an endearing little town that I knew looked all too familiar to our new guest.

"Louis?" A voice called out from behind me.

I turned around, greeted by a reasonably confused face.

"You know it babe." I smirked.

"What the hell is all this?" She asked motioning her hands around the area.

"What do you not recognize it?" I smugly questioned already knowing the answer.

"No I- I do it's just-" She stuttered.

"You haven't been here in a while, huh?" I interjected.

"No not really." She spoke under her breath as she started to sort of circle in her place to take it all in.

The environment around her was made to look exactly like her hometown. The place she grew up at. Back when the world was still small and safe.

"No okay, but seriously, how the hell did you and I get here and where are all the people?" She pried.

"Well that's kind of a hard question to answer." I replied.

She didn't exactly reply, just looked deeply concerned.

"Alright well you're here because when you were in the hospital... well... you died." I sorta smiled, clapping my hands together once in hopes it wouldn't sound so horrible.

Yet again, no response, just growing concern.

"And I am here because I run this place." I stated while motioning my hands towards the buildings and sky. "which to answer your other question is the pre-afterlife for poor souls like you." I proudly informed, dropping my hands to my sides.

"Sorry uh... pardon?" She questioned.

"Was I not clear enough?" I smirked.

"No you were, I'm just- having a hard time believing that this is... pre-afterlife? The hell even is that?" She squinted, completely knocked out of her previous, frozen state.

"It's essentially where you go when you have unfinished business you need to take care of. Once it's done you can finally go to Heaven or Hell." I explained.

"So just... purgatory?" She asked.

"Okay whatever but that's not what we call it here cause then people associate it with movies and it's just a sh*t-show." I nagged.

"Mmk, and how the hell do you run it if you're also... Louis Tomlinson of... One Direction... And you're also 19?" She continued to pry.

"Yes thank you for the description of who I am." I smiled. "Okay, so you see it's like a double life kinda thing. I've been alive much longer than you think I have. I just travel through different bodies and live their life to the fullest extent until they die but also come down here when business is needed. Then when that body dies out I'm reborn into a new one." I explained.

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