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Sound check

Jada's POV

Days for me drag on for much longer than anyone else seems to agree on. Although the only person I've been able to complain about it to is just Hannah.

Though, I guess it wouldn't really make sense for her to agree. Considering she's living the life she's always wanted.

Well, the life we've always wanted.

"Alright boys that run was good." Some sort of stage director complimented. "Let's move on to the America Idiot cover now." She instructed, motioning her hand up to cue the boys.

They're really good, I'll admit. But still, every part of me wishes I could be the one who experiences this spotlight with them.

But this is Hannah's world now.

I'm quite literally just her shadow.

I let my mind continue to wander while I stared up at the stage until I noticed Ashton started to seem a little... off.

"What's up with Ashton." I mumbled to Hannah next to me. Hoping to god she didn't know anything of the dream situation.

"I don't know." She murmured through gritted teeth, hoping no one would see her talking to thin air. "According to Calum he's been acting weird all day."

I nodded in response, not trying to put her anymore at risk for seeming utterly insane for talking to nothing.

"Perfect!" The director lady complimented after they finished the cover. "Take 10 and get some water. You deserve it." She dismissed.

The second they weren't working Hannah and Michael seemed to almost gravitate towards each other like metal to a magnet.

I rolled my eyes and decided I'd rather walk around foreign territory than watch them flirt for 10 straight minutes.

Witnessing PDA isn't really in my schedule today.

I strolled back up to the stage area and made my way to the back. I might as well check some things out while i'm here.

I was exploring the halls and taking each intricate pattern of the carpet in when I stumbled across a slightly cracked dressing room door.

Now usually I would never peak in a dressing room knowing that the person inside could be changing or partaking in god knows what.

But no one would do anything with the door cracked, right?

I figured I would might as well sneak up and look, seeing as there's no way I could get caught anyways.

I'm not really sure who or what I was expecting to see in the room but it definitely wasn't what the reality turned out to be.

Inside the room sat an Ashton that no one from the outside would really even recognize. He seemed so lifeless and just... Sad.

I really hope this isn't about the dream.

Now, I wasn't entirely sure why he was sat here all alone like this or why he wasn't with the rest of the boys and Hannah, but maybe it's not my place to question.

But then again, if not me, then who?


Stop it Jada.

You've already risked enough with the dream. You got your point across.

What happens now is in his own hands.

But isn't that kinda what Niall did to you? Didn't he try once and give up once he let his image get in the way? Is that really what you wanna do?

Of course it's not a thing of 'image' in my case though. Just the traumatic release of Hannahs's trust completely.

I heard footsteps heading towards the room from behind me, causing a quick leap out of my once invasive thoughts.

I quickly jumped out of the way to allow easy access into the room I honestly had no business looking into.

A lady looking to be in her late 30's opened the door fully and walked straight in without even acknowledging Ashtons presence. I'm assuming she was just a worker there to clear out dirty glasses and plates that the boys so rudely left for her.

That's weird, Hannah and I always cleaned up our own messes. I guess boys aren't really expected to do so on their own.


Shaking the intrusive thoughts from my head I took this as an opportunity to full step into the room.

I slid my body through with ease and planted myself by the wall next to the door and waited until the lady walked out and shut the door with a latching sound.

Well here we are.

Just you and I, Ashton.

Not that you know that of course.

God, I sound so creepy.

Ashton continued to stare to the floor a little longer before taking a deep breath and covering his face with his abnormally large hands, allowing his elbows to rest on both of his knees.

I felt bad but I wasn't even sure what for. I wanted to get to know him so bad but the only way I could is practically stalking him.


No Jada. Shut up. Stop trying to ruin things.

But what if, instead of ruining things, I make them better?

No. You'll only make it worse.



My mind battled itself for an eternity before Ashtons sudden shift in movement knocked me out of it.

He dragged his hands down slightly to reveal his hazel eyes peaking above.

God, he has really pretty eyes.

"Sometimes I just wish I didn't have to fight my own mind every 30 minutes." Ashton admitted, finally slinging his hands down and speaking to what he thought was just air.

You and I both, Ash.

"I just feel like even though everyone is talking around me, I'm not even a part of any conversation. Like I could walk away and no one would bat an eye." He went on.

The literal story of my life.

Wait a minute.

Before I could elaborate any farther on that thought the door opened, revealing a wide grinned Luke telling Ashton that they had two more songs to rehearse before people would start showing up.

Ashton threw a smile on his face that I know could not have been genuine considering the feelings he just poured out to the walls around him. But nonetheless I applaud him for the act.

It's not like anyone could see through it.

Except me.

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