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One week later

Haanah's POV

The press hasn't settled down yet on either me or any of the boys, especially Niall.

Poor kid.

All he ever talked about was her.

Now the only story he hasn't told about her was their last moments. I mean, not that I've really spoken about mine either.

Currently we're on the way to the funeral where I will finally see her again after the accident.

It still kills me that I was the only one of us 3 that didn't get to see her doing okay afterwards, or hell, I didn't even get to say goodbye. And truly, that's the only thing I'm envious of Niall for right now.


One by one people got up and told their stories of Jada and prayed to a god I wasn't sure I could even put faith in at this point.

Though I'll spare the sob story and just tell you she had a beautiful ceremony and all, but the body up front I have a hard time believing was Jada. Well...Okay, listen obviously they didn't put some random person in there and call it a day.

It was her body but... It wasn't her.

A body doesn't make up a person. Clearly, I mean if it did she wouldn't be the cold lifeless board she looks to be now.

Instead, it's the spirit inside the body that makes the life of every party, or the mom friend of the group, or the designated driver, or the crazy cat lady, or the cool dad the neighbors kids always secretly wish would adopt them.

A body is just a shell in a sense, and when your spirit is done with that shell. you get to be free.

Free from a cruel world that refused to fully love you because you were never perfect.

But then again, who is?

I spent the rest of my day sort of just lounging.

Nothing else I really wanted to do anyway.

I decided that with my free time it would be a good idea to just go on twitter and see how bad that sh*t-show is.

To my surprise, I saw a lot of support rather than the usual banter between different 'stan groups' that somehow pop up in my feed all the time.

After about 5 minutes of scrolling and some slight profile stalking I started hearing shuffling from behind the couch where I was sitting.

Now listen, I watch horror movies and I hear stories all the time. I'm not risking anything today.

I quickly grabbed my shoe from beside the couch and threw it in the area where the shuffling came from.

I heard a thump and a faint hiss of pain.

"Oh hell no not today!" I exclaimed, running to the closet to get a bat when the unknown intruder quickly stood up and a familiar voice yelled out.

"Wait! Hannah! It's just me!" They pleaded.

I knew the voice all too well but it was impossible.

"Hannah?" They questioned.

I turned around and was face to face with a very much alive Jada just hours after her funeral.

"What. the. f*ck." I stated.

"Wanna make out?" She asked smugly.

I didn't know what to do. This is impossible? I just saw the casket close on her lifeless body 4 hours ago?

Suddenly I had a realization. Immediately I slowly started laughing causing Jada to reluctantly join in awkwardly.

"Ha.. ha... what's so funny?" She asked, genuinely concerned.

"Nothing I just- I'm dreaming I guess." I shrugged, slouching my once tense form and letting the bat rest loosely in my hand.

"Um see no it's actually kinda cool becau-" she started but I cut her off.

"I didn't even notice I fell asleep." I said bringing my hand to my head, still slightly laughing.

"No really I think you should let me explain-" She tried again.

"Okay so what's this supposed to be? Are you gonna give me some life changing advice that I'm gonna have to go to therapy to get analyzed or some shi- Ow!" I was cut off by a sharp pain in my arm from her long nails pinching me. "What the hell was that for?"

"Still think you're dreaming?"


"No that doesn't make sense, what unfinished business would you have? You weren't murdered, we were just drunk and ran off the side of the road." I reasoned.

"That's the thing I don't know. I've been trying to figure it out all week." She shrugged.

"So what have you been doing all week then if you're just now coming to latch onto me?" I questioned.

"Honestly I've just been looking around places enjoying being able to walk around without any crazy people or paparazzi up my ass the whole time." Oh how envious I was of these words.

"Must be nice." I smiled. "Your death really took a toll on people caring about what the hell I was doing at all times." I snorted.

"You're welcome for the free publicity." She smiled. I didn't reply. Just stuck up my middle finger at her and waited for a laugh in response, which I got shortly after.

"So how long are you gonna be 'latched on to me'." I inquired, gesturing my hands into quotation marks.

"As long as it takes to 'finish my business'." She mocked my movements.

"Yeah, knowing you, that's gonna take until I die."
We laughed as we both secretly wished upon every star in the sky that things wouldn't actually end up like that.

But hell, clearly anything is possible.

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