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Hannah's POV

It's been two days in this god forsaken hospital and I still haven't been able to get up and see Jada.

"Hannah." a voice spoke breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Huh- Wha- Yeah?" I stuttered, coming out of my previous daze.

"It's gonna be okay. You'll get to see her." Louis spoke reassuringly, while also apparently reading my mind.

"I wasn't even thinking about that." I defended stubbornly.

"Then what were you thinking about?" He asked with a smug smile.

"I-uh- the um-"

"Go on." he antagonized, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms.

"You're a b*tch you know that?" I pointed out, half laughing at myself in embarrassment.

"That's what i'm here for." He shrugged.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes in defeat.

The door opened to a very enthusiastic Niall rushing through.

"Oh here we go." Louis sarcastically remarked.

"Oh shut up Lou, it's good news!" Niall cheered, playfully hitting Louis shoulder as he made his way over to the bed where I currently sat, facing him and Louis.

"Oh do tell." I sighed.

"The doctor said Jada was doing a lot better and we'd all be able to leave very soon." He informed with that big crooked teeth smile still plastered on his face.

"Great, I can get the hell out of this bed as soon as possible then." I said ruffling out my very unflattering hospital gown. "And this god forsaken sheet of clothing." I stated with disgust.

"Oh what are you talking about? I think you look like you're ready for the Met Gala." Louis grinned.

I didn't reply. Just simply pulled out a middle finger in his direction while I kept my eyes on Niall.

"Hey shot in the dark here but do you think i'm allowed to go see her yet." I laughed to myself half already knowing the answer.

"Probably not knowing that Flo from Progressive looking ass b*tch has had it out for you two this whole time." Louis laughed.

"Okay...wow." Niall widened his eyes, clearly shocked.

"Come on Niall, drop the innocent act already." I laughed.

"Oh come on give him a break he's only a baby" Louis fired along.

"I hate it here." Niall sighed.

The door opened again for the millionth time in the past 3 days to show our old friend 'Flo from Progressive looking ass b*tch.' And with her came her giddy. f*cking. smile.

Louis smiled obnoxiously large at me to mock her, knowing she couldn't see him. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention over to the nurse.

"According to the doctor you two should be ready for release by tomorrow morning." She spoke, somehow growing her smile in the midst of the sentence.

"Thanks, i've heard." I smiled back, very obviously mocking hers.

Smiley b*tch.

"Okay well it looks like you've all got this covered in here." Niall said as he rose from his chair in front of me. "I'm gonna go see Jada." He smiled, seeming even more cheery than Ms. Smiley B*tch herself.

He exited shortly after the nurse and shut the door softly. I didn't bother looking over though.

No point in watching someone just walk out I guess.

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