I Wish I Was Good Enough

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I wish I was good enough.

I wish I was good enough for him.

I wish I was kind enough for him,

Because he is the kindest person I've come to know, while I am mean and cold, with a heart filled with snow.

I wish I was smart enough for him,

Because he aspires to have this great destiny, while I only know what tomorrow brings for me.

I wish I was soft enough for him,

Because he is rough and sweet all in one, while I am calloused and bruised from my wars.

I wish I was talented enough for him,

Because his heart beats on drums and sings low songs, while I simply have my voice.

I wish I was good enough for him,

Because he is a shining light amidst a darkened and fogged sea, while I am the darkness that makes it hard to see.

I wish I was good enough for him,

Because he is all these things, and I don't know what he sees in me, but I hope what he sees does not fade.

I wish I was good enough for him.

I wish I was good enough.

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