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I see things at night, and I know it's a part of my imagination, but it still terrifies me to my core.

I see a black-faced demon, with silver eyes and silver teeth behind my phone screen.

I see a little girl that always hovers around the side of my bed.

My feet must be tucked or else the thing at the end of my bed will rip them off.

My fingertips must be covered as well, because if not, then the thing that hangs out with the little girl will grab them.

My eyes may can't see any light behind them, or else that gives them room to play.

While I can see the ends of my bed, it feels infinite, like a boat out on the forever sea.

I call this distortion.

Because all it does is bend my surroundings into monstrous things that cannot actually harm me.

Nonetheless, the threat is still there. And I, still terrified.

Destroying From WithinWhere stories live. Discover now