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"Bitch I asked for water and what you get me is dirt water?" Ino cussed.

"Its coffee. You asked for Coffee." Sakura was irritated.

"whatever... I want to cry now" Ino said.

"Sigh....mood swings..."

"Sakura..?" Ino looked deeply into Sakura's Eyes.


"Can you transf-"

Sakura covered Ino's mouth.



3 months

Ino was doing better. Her nausea didn't happen anymore. She noticed her belly bump was starting to show.

Ino was craving for tomatoes and chocolates. She went to the kitchen and grabbed them. She dipped the tomatoes in chocolate syrup. Sakura watches her eat them trying not to gag.

"Ya want some Sakura?" Ino had asked.
"Ah! No thanks" Sakura said.
"Oh well. Your loss. More for me and the baby." Ino kept eating them. She was finished with it and went to bug Sakura.

"Heya.." Ino poked Sakura's cheeks.
Sakura was trying her best not to get irritated. She instead kissed Ino on the lips.
"Will that make you stop?" Sakura smiled.
"It'll do." Ino said. Sakura was writing on her paper. She was researching on some cures for different things.

5 months

"Sakura!" Ino yelled. Sakura was making coffee. She walked to Ino to see her rubbing her belly.

"I felt it kick." Ino smiled.
"R-really?" Sakura said.
"Put your head on my belly." Ino said. Sakura did what she said. She felt it.
Sakura got teary.
"Its been very active." Ino said.
"What do you think the gender will be?" Sakura asked.
"Hmm... honestly I don't care what gender it is. I will love my child." Ino said. Sakura smiled.

"I wonder if anyone knows..?" Ino was curious.
"Should we tell them..?" Sakura asked.
"Probably." Ino said.
"Kay. I'll invite our close friends." Sakura said as she pulled out her phone.

3 hours later...

Shikamaru, Temari, Choji, Naruto, Tenten, and Hinata all came.

"Whats the surprise..?" Naruto was curious.
"Hope it isn't a drag.." Shikamaru sighed.
"Ino you good?" Temari asked.
Ino was hiding her belly.
"Ye-yeah" Ino said.
"We have a huge announcement." Sakura said.

Ino showed her belly bump.

"We are having a kid!" Sakura said.

The girls screamed. Hinata couldn't stop jumping around. Tenten was crying. Temari was Squealing.

The boys just stood there shocked. Wondering how Ino is pregnant.

"Oh my gosh CONGRATULATIONS!!!!" Temari Squealed.
"Is it a girl or a boy?!" Hinata yelled.
"How... actually Nevermind" Tenten already knew the answer.

"We will find put the gender after the birth." Ino smiled. Shikamaru walked up to Ino.
"C...Congratulations" Shikamaru was happy for Ino. Choji joined in.

"So it actually worked?" Naruto whispered to Sakura.

"SHUSH CHA!" Sakura punched Naruto.

Everyone was really happy.

(So sorry this was short)

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