♡Frozen Fear♡

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"Don't put too much blood!" Temari said. They were getting Ready to shoot a scene with Temari and the bear.

Choji was acting as a bear in the costume.
"R-raor..." he mumbled.

Temari's POV

I held my head into the snow. I was scared. It had scratched my sides. Causing blood to spill. Then got on top of me and kept pushing me, making me bleeding even more. It's heavy weight hurted. It was hard to breathe. It won't stop pouncing my chest. It roared into my face. Then had its mouth open and got closer to my face. The bear was going to eat my face.

"TEMARI!!!!!" Someone screamed. It was Shikamaru.
He used a jutsu.

"Shadow Sewing Jutsu!" He yelled. A bunch of shadow grabbed onto the bear and kept pulling it off of me. It roared and tried to fight it off. Sakura ran at it and jump up.

"SHANNARO DAMNIT!" She yelled and punched its body. Making it fall flat into the ground. Ino ran to me.
She pulled out her kunai and tried to get the trap off of me.

"I...found... the herbs." Temari said. Ino was surprised. She smiled and focused on the trap. It was digging into my foot.

"Sakura! I need your strength!" Ino yelled. Ino had me roll on my side showing my wounds. She held out her hands and it glowed green. She healed my side slowly. Sakura ran to me and saw the bear trap. She grapped the trap and separated it. I pulled my foot out. Then she letted it go. Snapping.

Shikamaru ran to me worried.
"Temari! Are you alright-" he didn't noticed the bear trap or what the bear did to me until now. Sakura started to heal my foot.

"We can go home now since we found not 1 but 2 herbs..?" Ino asked Sakura.
"Wait what?" Sakura was confused.
I sat up and grabbed my herb bag and showed them the herbs.

"Oh you found them! Nice! Still we have to follow the mission. We still have to go to Land of Glaicer even if we found what we are looking for." Sakura said. My foot was healed but it still hurted. Cold ran up my spine now that my side was exposed to the cold air. Shikamaru helped me get up and we all headed to Land of Glaicer with cautious.

///Land of Glaciers\\\

Nobody POV

The land was odd but beautiful. There was ice mountains and Crystals formed on some ice.
"This place is so pretty..." Ino gasped at the view.
"It is. What could go wrong?" Sakura smiled. Temari glared at Sakura.
"This trip has been shitty for me..." Temari grumbled.
"Sorry.." Sakura laughed nervously.

"Many things can go wrong..." a deep low voice was heard. Sakura pulled out her kunai as so did Ino.

"I see you have bonded much closer with Ino... Interesting couple I would say. Who would have expected Rivals to fall in love..? You would bicker nonstop, and here you are. Kissing Ino. I'm afraid I cannot allow Ino to take you away. Blood... will spill."

Sakura shivered realizing who it was.

He finally showed himself. It was Sasuke. He pulled out his katana. It pointed at Ino. Sakura stood in front of her protecting her.

"What you want you asshole..." Sakura said with a tone.

"I want you." Sasuke said.

"In your dreams. I rather die then be with you!" Sakura yelled.

"Very well... so be it..." Sasuke rushed at Sakura and they fought. Ino joined the fight with her kunai. Sasuke didn't sweat the littlest bits. He grabbed Sakura's arm and looked dead into her eyes. Ino punched him away from Sakura. He stared at Ino.

Sakura's POV

I felt dizzy and I tried to keep my balance. I looked at Ino.

Wait. Where did she go?

Ino wasn't in front of her. She was dead on the ground. I began to sob uncontrollably. I then gave Sasuke a dead look. I was anger. My blood boiled. I ran at Sasuke yelling. He wasn't attacking. He just kept jumping back. Eventually he jumped off from the ice hills and charged at me. We fought to death...

Ino's POV

I felt dizzy. I checked on Sakura behind me. It was Sasuke. I looked around where Sakura was. I then saw her dead... I was overwhelmed. I didn't believe what I saw. Suddenly Sasuke began to yell and charge at me. He kept trying to punch me. I jumped back trying to avoid his punches. I wanted revenge. I want Sasuke dead. He messed with the wrong couple. I charged at him. Fighting to death for Sakura.

Nobody's POV

"What are they doing?! What did you do?!" Temari screamed at Sasuke who was just watching Ino and Sakura fight.
Sakura pulled put her kunai and sliced Ino's arm. She then stabbed her in the knee.

"SAKURA STOP! ITS INO! YOU WERE PUT INTO A GENJUSTU! STOP! STOP FIGHTING YOU TWO!!" Shikamaru yelled. Temari covered her eyes. She didn't want to see them get beaten up.

Sakura heard them and stopped. Ino stopped as well. Sakura realized what was happening and broke the Genjutsu. So did Ino. She was horrifed at what she had done to Ino.
"I-ino! Are you okay?!" Sakura ran to Ino. She healed the cuts. Ino gave Sakura a kiss on the Forehead.

"I'm okay. We didn't know. Its alright." Ino smiled.

"You guys are no fun... this is getting boring." Sasuke appeared behind Sakura, wrapped her neck and covered her mouth. He had his sword at her neck.

"Your coming with me blossom.." he smirked. Sakura had fear in her eyes. She kept kicking and punching but it didn't work.
"LET GO OF HER YOU BASTARD!" Ino ran at Sasuke. She charged at him with full power. She was going to stab him. Sakura closed her eyes with fear.

♡SakuIno♡ Sakura x InoWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu