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"Sakura... Do you accept Ino as your loving wife?" 

"I do." 

"Ino... Do you accept Sakura as your loving wife?" 

"I do." 

"You are now married. You may kiss." 

"So which one Sakura? Kinky Kiss or Sweet Kiss?" Ino teased. Sakura kissed Ino. 

"Your kiss is what I want." Sakura said.


It has been a few weeks after Ino had proposed to Sakura. It was December. Christmas was coming up. Sakura was thinking about what to get Ino for Christmas. She thought about it for a long time until Ino came inside the office with coffee.

Sakura's POV

"Here you go my blossom." Ino kissed my forehead. I smiled. "Thank you."

I had remembered asking Ino if she wanted a kid. She did say yes...
I wondered about it.

Maybe we should have a kid... but how... we are both girls. We can't make one... I need to do some researching on that....

I then told Ino I was heading to work to research on something.


I looked through folders, books, history, anything that could work. Nothing seem to work. I was getting frustrated. I decided to think outside the box.

What could work? What can I do to make this work...? ... Oh! I know! I will have to use Naruto's Sexy Jutsu!
Although... does it work...? Wait... That means... I have to ask him how to do it! Ahhh.....

I blushed in embarrassment, but if it made Ino happy... I was willing to ask Naruto. I put away everything else and began to head to Naruto's home.

///Uzumaki Home\\\

I knocked on Naruto's door. Of course he is sleeping.
"WAKE UP CHA!!" I slammed on the door. Waking up Naruto and making him rush to the door.
"Oh hey Sakura. You Don't ever visit. What's up..?" Naruto yawned. I hid my face as I blushed.
"...naruto....can...you...um...teach...me..sexy....jutsu..." I said quietly.
"Huh? I can't hear you.." Naruto leaned closer to hear me.
"Can you teach.. me... your..uh....sexy jutsu." I said it a bit louder. My face was red. I think he heard it. His face was shocked.
"I- well... I mean....sure?" Naruto was curious why but he knew he would get punched if he asked.

He showed me the hand signs. He even demonstrated. I was practicing until I managed to get it. I was a man now.

I was happy i did it. Until I looked down. I was.. naked...and my god...was it big.... I screamed and poof. I was back to normal. I had nosebleed.

"You alright Sakura?" Naruto elbowing me. I punched him into the wall.
"T-t-thank you!" I ran back home blushing hard. At least I now have a way to uh... ya know.


I walked inside my home and went in my office to my desk and had my face down to hide my face. I was extremely embarrassed.

How can boys have something so big?! I hated it.

"You good?" Ino had her hand on my shoulder. It had startled me. I turned my head peeking at Ino. I still hid my face.
"Y-yeah?" I said. "Rough day?" Ino said. I nodded. It was a lie. She rubbed my back. I was getting... warm all the sudden. I had an odd feeling. Making my face even redder. I groaned. I hated this feeling. It was so weird.

"Sakura are you alright? You got really warm all the sudden. Do you have a fever?" Ino jerked back her hands and pulled my shoulder to make me show my face.

I had a red face. I covered up my face with my hands.
"I-Its nothing..I'm just a little embarrassed!" I blurted out.
"Embarrassed about what?" Ino asked. I was silent for a few seconds.

"I-Ino....um.....I-I uh...W-want to have a b-baby....w-with you.... a-and uh.... I a-asked Naruto t-to teach me how to use...um...s-s-sexy... jutsu.." I can't believe I actually said it. Ino blinked. She was frozen in shock. I turned my head away blushing.

This is probably yucky to her. She probably thinks it disgusting. I shouldn't have said it...

"I.... been thinking the same.." Ino admitted. I was shocked.

"Honestly I'm ready. I want to have one." Ino said. She actually looked determined and serious about this.

"L-Lets do it. Right now." Ino said.
"I-I'm not ready...I need to practice..." I said. Ino smirked. She clearly had a plan....

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