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=Day of travel to Seoul.=8:00=Saturday=

"Alright, we're all loaded- let's get this baby on the road!" Nayeon says with much enthusiasm as the tired and sleepy Ikjin Girls team.

"Arrassooo~" they groggily shout back in response.  The designated driver starts the van, starting the journey from Busan to Seoul.

The girls including the manager sleep on the bus from the early packing and lack of sleep due to nervousness.

Four hours pass becoming noon.  The designated driver drops the girls off the front of Kimsang High, a large private school with high sanitary expectations.  The school contains three floors, and is situated on top a hill with their gym and field being close to one another.

Thanking the driver, they bow as their bags lay on the sidewalk.  They take in the huge sight of the school they will be training in for two weeks.  Gawking at the size of the school, they fail to realize a couple of Kimsang's players are standing right in front of them at the entrance.

"Anneonghaseyo, welcome to Seoul, Ikjin." Kimsang's second-year captain, Yeji says, bowing her head as she greets the team. Kimsang's opposite hitters; Ryujin and Miyeon bow behind Yeji to greet the country-side team.

Hwang Ye-Ji (Left Wing Spiker): [Power: 3/5~Jumping: 4/5~Stamina: 3/5~Game Sense: 3/5~Technique: 2/5~Speed: 4/5]

Shin Ryu-Jin (Opposite Hitter): [Power: 2/5~Jumping: 2/5~Stamina: 3/5~Game Sense: 4/5~Technique: 3/5~Speed: 2/5]

Cho Mi-Yeon (Opposite Hitter): [Power: 2/5~Jumping: 3/5~Stamina: 3/5~Game Sense: 3/5~Technique: 3/5~Speed: 3/5]

"Anneonghaseyo! Thank you for having us!" Nayeon says, bowing at them as the rest of Ikjin following suit.  Yeji chuckles, eyeing the captain of Ikjin.  Jihyo feels nervous under the gaze of the captain.

"Let us help you with your luggage..." Miyeon says.  She grabs a couple of Ikjin's bags, Ryujin does the same and so does Yeji.  Ikjin thank the three again, taking all of their luggage to the second floor which is the floor where they would be lodging.

First floor of Kimsang is used mainly for the showers and cafeteria.  Second floor is used for the lodging of the players and the third floor is used for the staff's lodging.

The three Kimsang players lead Ikjin into the room they would be staying in.  Resting their bags down gently, they dust off some of the dust along the walls of the room.  Ryujin and Miyeon went ahead of Yeji, leaving the captain with the team.

"Today is mainly just getting the teams here, so we don't start until tomorrow.  Get settled and such, though the gym is always open downstairs.  Food is also available down at the cafeteria, so treat yourself if needed." Yeji says, giving a friendly smile.  "Arrasso, kamsahamnida, Yeji-ssi." Jihyo says, nodding.  Yeji smiles once more before leaving Ikjin to get settled.

The room is a large classroom, with tables and chairs stacked neatly in the corner.  Large wide windows facing the door with curtains and pre-made sleeping bags on the floor.

"Such big classrooms..." Tzuyu gawked at the size of the room.  Nayeon claps her hands, "Come on, let's get started so we can get settled quickly!"  "Arrasso!"


"Are you ready to train with Kimsang, Y/N-ah?" Dahyun asks, looking over to her side to see the short 5'2 girl looking out the window.

Kim Dahyun (Libero): [Power: 3/5~Jumping: 3/5~Stamina: 3/5~Game Sense: 3/5~Technique: 5/5~Speed: 4/5]

"Ne, it's been a while since I've played with Minnie and Ryujin-ssi." Y/N says in her natural quiet voice, nodding in reply.  "DID I JUST HEAR THE LITTLE L/N Y/N SAY SHE LOOKS FORWARD TO SOMETHING?!" Solar, the manager teases the girl from the seat in front of Y/N.

"A MIRACLE!" Eunha squeals- before falling off her seat.

Jung Eun-bi "Eunha" (Opposite Hitter): [Power: 2/5~Jumping: 3/5~Stamina: 3/5~Game Sense: 2/5~Technique: 3/5~Speed: 3/5]

"Jin jja?!" the rest of the team squawk in the vehicle.  Y/N rolls her eyes and stays quiet for the rest of the ride.  "Aish, they were just kidding, Y/N-shi..." Wheein says, chuckling as she messes Y/N's shoulder-length (your hair color) hair.  Y/N only hums in response.  "Lighten up, Y/N-shi!" Yerin smiles.

Jung Wheein (Opposite Hitter): [Power: 3/5~Jumping: 3/5~Stamina: 3/5~Game Sense: 2/5~Technique: 3/5~Speed: 3/5]

Jung Ye-Rin (Setter): [Power: 2/5~Jumping: 3/5~Stamina: 2/5~Game Sense: 3/5~Technique: 3/5~Speed: 3/5]

"We're here!" Moonbyul, the captain yells, catching the attention of the rest of the team.

Moon Byul-Yi "Moonbyul" (Middle Blocker): [Power: 3/5~Jumping: 4/5~Stamina: 4/5~Game Sense: 4/5~Technique: 4/5~Speed: 2/5]

"Woah..." Yuju and Eunbi say, staring at the large school in awe.  Solar stops the vehicle in the loop in front of the entrance of Kimsang.  It's currently afternoon, 13:29 (1:29 PM).  Y/N and Moonbyul smirk as Ryujin and Yeji come into their view.

Choi Yu-Na "Yuju" (Left Wing Spiker): [Power: 4/5~Jumping: 4/5~Stamina: 2/5~Game Sense: 1/5~Technique: 3/5~Speed: 2/5]

Hwang Eun-Bi "Eunbi" (Pinch Server): [Power: 1/5~Jumping: 2/5~Stamina: 2/5~Game Sense: 2/5~Technique: 4/5~Speed: 2/5]

"Everyone get out and grab your stuff! I'll park the bus somewhere after you all!" Solar yells.  The team starts scuffling around the bus, grabbing their belongings and such.  Yeji and Ryujin help carry some of the bags down from the bus, waving off the manager as she parks the vehicle some place.

"Welcome, Tancheok! So glad to see you!" Yeji welcomes the team, shaking hands with Moonbyul.  "It's been quite a while." Moonbyul says, nodding towards her team to follow the two Kimsang players into their lodging.  "So, captain, how have you been taking care of my Y/N-ah?" Yeji asks, looking over her shoulder to see the quiet Y/N holding the majority of the bags on her shoulders up the stairs.

"She's been quiet as always, but you know... deadly." Moonbyul says, chuckling as they place down their bags in their classroom.  The team places down their bags, quickly unloading.  Y/N walks away from her bag, hugging her former teammates, Yeji and Ryujin.  "Oh, really now?" Yeji asks Tancheok's captain, smirking.

Moonbyul waves it off and chuckles.  Yeji and Ryujin pay attention to the small girl in front of them.  "Still not a libero?" Ryujin says, snickering as Y/N's face turns into annoyance.  "Missed you too, Ryujin-ssi." Y/N says, rolling her eyes as she hugs Ryujin's waist.  Ryujin cackles, returning the hug by wrapping her arms around Y/N's neck.  "You haven't practiced with your upperclassmen you pabo."

"Ryujin-ah give the girl some space." Yeji says.  Ryujin steps back to let her captain hug the shorter girl.  "How have you been, Y/N-shi?  It's been months!" Yeji asks, gently hugging Y/N.   "Okay, I guess." Y/N simply replied, returning the hug.

"Kimsang's going to go crazy when they see you again... did you lose weight-?"


"WOW Y/N-AH! THAT'S AMAZING!" Ryujin exclaims in surprise, remembering the girl to be a bit chubbier months before.  Y/N chuckles and nods. "Gomawo."  The girl looks to Dahyun and her teammates then back at Kimsang's captain and opposite hitter.  "Let me unpack and get settled, I'll gladly catch up with you all in a bit."  "Okayy~! Don't take too long!"

The two leave Y/N to her team, waving the girl off.  Y/N returns to her bag, unpacking her toiletries and pillow along with her volleyball gear.  Already planning to head to the gym once she's done, Dahyun takes notice and does the same.  Y/N perks her eyebrow up as she notices Dahyun take out her kneepads from the corner of her eye.

Dahyun looks at Y/N with a smirk, "What? You're not the only one eager to hit the court, y'know..."  Y/N snickers and nods.  "Huh? Are you already heading to the gym?" Yuju asks, her head perking up from her bag.  Dahyun nods.  "Come join us if you want to, Y/N-ah and I are going to head out first," the libero takes her gear and walks to the standing Y/N at the doorway.  "We're heading out, captain!"

"I'll stay here and check on Solar-unnie and the rest, don't break anything!"


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