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Amelia's POV

''Be careful, Lake. Don't hang out with other boys or bad people. Listen to your teachers and behave good, alright?'' Nathan warned her as she nodded her head.
''Yes, dad.'' She said and kissed our cheeks before going inside the school bus.

''Our babygirl is big now.'' Nathan said.
''You're so sensitive, bunny. She won't stay little forever.'' I said and kissed him before entering the house. Lake is starting her first grade and I couldn't be more proud of her.

I hope she will adjust with her new school. We celebrated her sixth birthday two weeks ago. She really grew up a lot. Time flies fast.

''Are you making gender reveal cake?'' Nathan asked me as he wrapped his arms around me.
''Yes.'' I answered as he kissed me.
''Why can't you just tell me?'' He whined.
''Because it won't be a surprise anymore. Be patient until Lake comes back from school.'' I said.

He cupped my face when I felt coldness of our wedding ring. He stared at me and started smiling softly. I looked at him confused.
''You're so pretty.'' He said making me jelly.
''Don't be so cheesy, Nathan.'' I chuckled.
''But you are pretty.'' He said giving me a kiss.

He left me in a kitchen so I could start doing the cake. I entered fifth month of pregnancy a week ago when doctor told me a gender of our baby. I decided to surprise Nathan and Lake by doing this cake.

Lake was so happy when she found out she is going to be an older sister. Nathan passed out after I told him, but he was so excited when he regained concious.

I'm happy because my mom will join us for lunch. Lake loves her and can't wait to see her. She still works as a chief and she told me it's great there.

After two hours I finished and put the cake in a freezer. I went to our room where I find Nathan doing some paperwork for his job.

I picked our dirty clothes and went to Lake's room to do the same. I put the clothes in a washer and went to wash the dishes.

I'm going to miss this apartment. We bought a house because we are going to have new addition to a family and we need space. We decided to sell this apartment and I get so emotional when I remember everything that happened here.

It's filled with happy and sad memories, but at the end life works like that. We won't always be happy, but we learn to appreciate everything that comes to our lives.

I let go of my thoughts and finished wiping the dishes. I cleaned living room and Lake's room. When I finished ours, I took a shower that I desperately needed.

I went to take a rest for a bit before starting to cook lunch. I laid on a bed and Nathan came right away. He put his hand on my bump.

''I told you not to put pressure on yourself.'' He said, but he knows that I like to have everything neat and clean.
''I know. But I'm not putting any pressure on myself.''
''But still. I want you to be careful.''

''In a month I won't be able to even move anyway because I'm going to be like a whale.'' I pouted. I looked like that when I was pregnant with Lake too.
''So what? I'll love you even if you look like a whale, wifey.'' He teased me, but I didn't like his joke.

''Sorry, baby. You're beautiful. And you won't look like a whale.'' He corrected himself right after he saw my serious face.
''I love you.'' He added cutely. Small smile formed on my lips as I kissed his cheek.
''You better because I love you too.'' He smiled and kissed me softly.

I soon got up and started doing lunch. Nathan helped me with it. Noon already passed as we were finishing it when I heard the doorbell ring. I went to open when I saw my mom.

I hugged her immeditely as she wrapped her arms tightly around me.
''Mom, I missed you.''
''I missed you too, honey. How are you and the baby?'' I pulled away from the hug and smiled.
''We're great. Let's go inside.''

Once Nathan saw her, he went to hug her.
''Hello, Christine. How was the trip?''
''It was fine, Nathan. How are you?''
''I'm fine.''

They are good with each other now, but when my mom found out we're together again four years ago, she didn't talk to Nathan for three months. She was mad at him for leaving me, but when she understood what was the reason she softened.

I served the table when I saw school bus out of the window. I told Nathan to get Lake downstairs. When they returned, she got a full blown smile.

''Nana!'' She squealed and ran towards my mom. She picked her up and kissed her cheek.
''You're so big, sweetie. How was in school?''
''It was awesome. I even met a new friend. Her name is Lori.'' She giggled.
''That's great.'' My mom smiled.

Lake went to put her bag in a room and wash her hands before she returned to sit down on a table. We started eating and Lake said lunch was very yummy. I love my family more than anything.

''Let's eat the cake.'' Lake said when she finished. I chuckled at her excited face and picked up dirty dishes and put them inside the sink. I gave them plates for cake before getting her out of the freezer.

They all looked in anticipation as I started cutting it. I swear, Nathan wanted to grab the knife from my hand and devour the cake to see what color is hiding inside.

Cake was covered with chocolate, but inside I made a blue layer. When I took the piece out, they all looked between.
''It's a boy.'' Nathan yelled as he jumped up from his chair.
''Yayy.'' Lake squealed and started clapping her hands.

''Congratulations, honey.'' Mom said as she hugged me. I know she was getting emotional. Nathan wrapped his arms around me and swirled me around. I giggled when he stopped and kissed me.
''I love you.'' He said.
''I love you too.''

''Mom, I'm going to have a younger brother.'' Lake said and hugged me.
''Are you happy?'' I asked her.
''I'm very happy. I can't wait when he is going to be here.'' I smiled and kissed her forehead.

We sat down and continued eating cake with smile plastered on our faces. This day couldn't be more perfect. I'm so happy that I'm having a boy and I already have a beautiful daughter. I love them all so much.

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