Chapter 2

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Nathan's POV

I stretched myself in my bed and opened my eyes. I woke up on the sight of my plain bedroom and sighed. I got up and went to my attached bathroom.

After I finished washing myself, I took a black ripped jeans and black hoodie. I slipped in my sneakers and got ready to go on the breakfast.

In the dining room I was met with the members of Black Mafia. Yes, I do work for mafia. The leader whose name is Daniel helped me after my parents died when I was 17 and the same year I got accepted in his mafia.

It's been three years and I learnt everything I needed about what mafias do and how to make Boss to trust you. I went on a lot of missions and I fight a lot. But my biggest secret is that I never killed anybody.

I was always so close to kill somebody but I never had strenght to do that. I keep my gun with me, but that's only for my safety. It's been hard to lie about that, but if I told them truth they will make me do it on some innocent person  just so I could get some ''experience''.

I sat down at my usual seat that is two chairs from the Boss's seat which is head of a table. Some of us live in this house, while other men have their own families they live with. My Boss always trusted me because I'm the youngest here and that means the most trustable.

''Nathan, meet me in my office after breakfast.'' Boss said as he looked at me.
''Yes, Boss.'' I replied sharply. He nodded in return as we went back to eating our meals.

I wondered what mission is he going to give me now. The last one was to kidnap minister's wife and sell her to the human trafficking bussiness. I felt so bad and I still feel like that after a week. I tried to sneak her so she could get free, but failed when I saw one of my ''colleagues'' there.

I could never trust anyone here, because they all want opportunity to rant someone out and gain Boss's trust. I learnt to be careful about my doing and how was I supposed to act in certain situations.

My Boss is selling drugs, weapons and people which is the worst one of all. I only once thought about leaving the mafia, but I'm not trained enough for, should I call that, ''a leaving process''. But if I have to, I'll do that.

We finished eating breakfast and I got up heading to Boss's office. He already got up before us and I assume he is waiting for me now. I knocked two times on a door and entered.

''Hello, Boss. You said you need me.'' He motioned me to take a seat on one of the chairs as I did so.
''I have a mission prepared for you.'' I nodded in acknowledgement. He slid a paper across the table to me.

''These are all informations you need to know about this man. All you have to do is kidnap him and bring him here.'' I nodded as I looked over the paper.
''May I ask why is he getting taken?'' I asked. Boss chuckled at my question.
''He owns me a lot of money and he lied to me about giving it back.'' He said in serious tone.

I was dismissed and went back to my room. I sat down and decided to look over informations about this man.

Name: Adam Davis
Age: 50 yrs old
Address: Highway Street 28

I put the paper aside because I didn't want to read the rest. Address is enough for me. Till the night, I spent time in the gym and ate dinner before getting ready.

I took my black van and drove myself to his house. I parked near the house and waited for lights to go off. He actually has a nice house. I wish I'm with my family now, but I want to forget about it.

When all the lights were off, I waited some time before going out of my van. I unlocked door in the back of the house successfully. I was met with an empty hallway. I looked around the house and started moving carefully.

I was passing by the kitchen when I heard some sound. I looked towards it and cursed under my breath when I saw a girl near the fridge. This wasn't supposed to happen. She was looking at me.

If I leave some evidence after me, Boss will finish me. There is only one way to not let happen. I started walking towards her when tried to ran away, but I was quick to catch her. I put my hand on her mouth tightly.

I dragged her out to my van despite her squirming and hitting my hand. I put the tape over her mouth and tied her hands. I rushed to my seat and drove off. This wasn't supposed to happen at all, but I could never put that much at risk by letting her go.

I muttered something under my breath as I heard her muffling sound. I don't know how will I explain this to Boss. I don't even know who is she and I took her with me.

We arrived back to the house as I dragged her with me to my room. She will be safest there. When we got inside, I removed the tape from her mouth.

''Who are you? What am I doing here? Why did you kidnap me?'' She bombarded me with questions as I had the urge to roll my eyes.
''Don't show me some attitude, little girl or I'm going to fix it for you.'' I warned her. She was getting annoying.

''What is Adam Davis to you?'' I asked her after she calmed down.
''He is my father.'' She said. I smirked at her. I have his most valuable possession afterall.
''Maybe it's better if I took you than your father.'' I said.

''You're going to stay here for the time being. If I find out, you were trying to escape, it's not going to be pretty.'' I threatened her. She flinched at my words making me smirk again.

I went out of the room and locked the door. I went to my Boss's office and knocked two times then entered.
''Hello again, Nathan. Is mission complete?'' He asked.

''Actually, accident happened. Somebody saw me in the house and unfortunately I had to take her instead of that man.'' I admitted.
''Her? A female?'' He asked confused. I nodded.
''But she is not anybody. She is his daughter.'' I said. I felt relieved when I saw that smirk forming on his face because that only meant one thing. I succeeded.

''Well, okay then. Maybe, it's even better. I will leave her in your charge until things change.'' He said.
''Alright. Thank you, Boss.'' I said, nodding firmly and going out of his office.

It felt like some burden was lifted of my shoulder. I could have never expected that reaction, but I'm glad that it's all good.

I went back to my room and found the girl curled up on my bed. She was already asleep as I went to change myself. I took black shorts  and slipped them on before going to the bed.

I removed her on the end of the bed as I laid next to her. I covered us up and finally allowed myself to catch some sleep. Today was tiring and I wish to have a rest tomorrow.

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