Just a Normal Day

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"Mia, Mia your never gonna believe what I got a picture of," Laura said as she came running up to me.

"What did you get a picture of this time L," I asked her smiling as I hooked her arm through mine as we walked the halls of the boring Hampton High School.

"Oh its amazing I went down to the lake at the park and I got a beautiful picture," she gushed.

"Really, may I see the picture," I asked.

"Of course," she said digging into her backpack for her camera case. When she finally got her camera out and showed me the picture I was just awestruck.

"Laura, thats beautiful," I gushed handing back her camera.

"I know right," she said smiling as we finally made it to her locker. She opened her locker and the first thing I saw was a poster of that new celebrity Blake Cyrus.

"ugggh why are you in love with him he is just a normal guy," I whined.

"Well he is super hot and he is available," she said in a singsong voice.

"But what are the chances that you will even meet him," I asked her.

"Mia I have already met him in my dreams and we got married," she replied in a duh tone of voice.

"Wow just wow," I muttered as I shut her locker and grabbed her hand. She started laughing as I dragged her down the hall to my locker.

"Goodness gracious why cant you be a normal teenage girl Mia," she asked.

"Because then I would be boring and besides enough that Block dude," I uttered.

"Blake," she whispered.

"Whatever, your never going to believe what I got yesterday afternoon," I told her when we reached my locker.

"Did they finally give you an interview at the radio station as an intern," she said getting excited.

"YES," I yelled jumping up and down as the bell ring.

"Hey I will see you at lunch okay Mia," Laura said laughing as she turned around and walked away towards her class.

"Okay," I yelled at her as i made my way to my AP Calculus class taught by the best teacher ever Mr.Harwood.

I walked into the door and heard Mr. Harwood say," Hello Mia what are you doing here early?"

"Oh I finally managed to wake up to my alarm arent you proud of me," I joked.

"Of course," he replied laughing.

I went and set my book and notebook down and sat down.

"Oh by the way Mia how is your brother have you gotten a letter from him in a while," Harwood asked.

"Oh um no we havent gotten a letter from the army in about a month, mom is freaking out," I mumbled to him as the rest of the class filed on.

"Hun I am sure he will be coming home soon, I mean nobody can stay away from you, your just to sweet and full of dream," he said softly smiling.

"Thank You sure," I smiled.

"Okay class turn to page 212 in your Calculus books," Mr. Harwood said to the rest of the class.

I turned my book but sofly closed my eyes as I drifted off to sleep wondering how my interview was going to go.

I walked into the noisy lunch room looking around for Laura when I saw her franticly waving at me from a table in the middle of the room.

“MIA OH MIAAAA you are never going to believe what I heard from one of the pops,” she practicly screamed. 

“OMG IF ITS ABOUT BLOCK I DON’T CARE,” I yelled back at her.


“I DON’T CARE…..wait what,” I said startled.

“Blakes going to be at your radio station can you believe it,” she muttered while I just stood there in shock.

“ya cool I guess,” I whispered

I grabbed my stuff, got on my bike and drove to the radio station


When I finally made it to Monster Radio Station I got off my bike and fixed my hair. When suddenly a limosine came up and some guy got out and headed into the station. Suddenly a bunch of screaming girls ran this way. Startled I ran to the door and let myself in then locked the girls out.


Hey Hey Hey this is my new story and I really hope you like it!!! um the girl in the picture is Mia's friend, Laura. Um I shall upload soon again!! I cant wait to read some of your comments!!!

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Love Ya Bunches,


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