Last Hope

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Evans POV

It was the day after that picture of Blake was in the paper and none of them could come with an idea on  what to do so I was waiting on them at the record label in the next state over. We were resorting to our last option, talking to management.

I tapped my foot wondering where the heck they were.

"Evan, sorry we are late, traffic kept us back," Blake said running in with two beautiful girls.

The blonde one poured out utter beauty and maturity, while the curly brown haired one shined with innocence and adorableness. I knew the shorter one was the one that had Blake lovestruck because she was the one who was on the cover of the magazine with him. The blonde girl was wearing an orange sweater like thing, with dark jeans, and white snadles and a braclet. Her hair was up in a pony tail and she seemed to be the older of the two. Curly was wearing a light blue tanktop bow thing, with blue jeans, flowery shoes, and white rose earrings. Her hair was left loose and curly.

"Gosh man, managements gonna be pissed off," I yelled at him pulling him behind me.

"Come on Belle and Laura," he yelled behind them as they laughed at us and followed.

We walked into the room and the management stopped talking and met us with an icy glare. I saw Laura glare back at them, while Curly or Mia hid behind her.

I guess Blake saw her cowering to, because he walked over to her and pulled her into his arms and started whispering in her ear. I saw her visibly relax as Blake nodded to Laura.

"Hello my-," Laura started to speak but was cut off by Jacob.

"Okay I know Jacob, Curly, and Evan here, but who the hell are you," he said staring at Laura.

"If you would have let me finish talking you would know that my name is Laura and I am Mia's best friend, I am just here for moral support," she sneered at him causing Mia to giggle, which caused everyones attention to turn to her. She quickly walked toward Laura to hide behind her.

"And who are you," Jesse, the sweetest girl in management, asked smiling at Mia.

Mia smiled back and replied,"My names MiaBelle but please call me Mia or Belle!"

"My thats such a pretty name Belle," Jesse teased.

MiaBelle stepped out from behind Laura smiling,"Thank you miss," she paused.

"Oh dear, please call me Jesse," Jesse said quickly.

"Thank you miss Jesse," Mia said testing it.

"Okay enough chit-chat, everybody sit down," Romer said.

We all sat down Blake and Mia in the middle with me and Laura beside our friend.

"Would you guys care to explain this," Jacob said.

"Yes sir, I took Mia on a date after she interviewed me and I didnt realize we were being followed," Blake said blushing.

"Blake you should know better, always look out for the paparazzi," Jesse scolded him.

"You guys are going to have to continue being his mystery girl, or else everyone will get suspicious, just for a week or two then we can say that you two broke up," Jacob said.

"Jacob your daughter wanted to see you I am sending her up," the intercom said.

"Okay," he said to it.

"What do we have to do," Mia asked timidly.

"Just go out on a few dates but make sure that they dont know who you are," Jesse said softly.

Suddenly the door knocked.

"Okay this meeting is dismissed, Evaline come in," Jacob said.

We all got up and pushed our chairs in to turn around and see the blonde beauty of Blakes most recent Ex's.

"Eva," Blake said shocked.

"Hey Blake," she said.

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