You used the small knife and your free hand to easily chop the other rope too. You tried your best to make the least noise and you were successful to some extent.

You looked at Taehyung with a blank face. You were free but you didn't know what you should do next.

You didn't know how to push the dead body down without making a noise.

You wanted to take the metal rod beside your chair that Taehyung had used to hit Byong Joon and hit Chul.

But you couldn't stand up without making a noise.

Taehyung was still standing in the same postition as two minutes before, now being provoked by Chul to speak something.

Chul was purposely trying to drag Taehyung into a conversation. He was waiting for a backup so that he could tie away Taehyung and get his way with him.

Chul was an absolute coward and it was actually sad that Taehyung didn't know it before.

Taehyung had an image of him as a politically powerful person who had bought police to take Taehyung's name out of your kidnapping case.

He considered him dangerous. He stood there wishing if he had known this side of his enemy before, he would have made bold moves in past years as well.

He himself wasn't aware of his power that scared his enemy to death.

He would have told you the truth as well.

He was continuously watching you, subtly enough.

Your presence of mind and bravery surprised him, he regretted taking you as a timid person, he regretted not telling you the truth and fighting together against Choi family.

But he was taken aback when he saw your figure rise from the chair. His eyes widened when he saw you push the dead body to the floor.

For a moment, he had a thought that Chul had already shot him and he was a ghost.
He felt Chul's grip tighten over the gun.

He looked at Byong Chul. He was sweating. He didn't pull the trigger, instead turned around to see y/n.

"You fucking bitch! How dare-" he shouted on top of his lungs, scaring the shit out of you.

But he was cut by Taehyung's tight grip around his neck as he rolled his hand to Chul's sleeve to take the gun out of his hand.

Taehyung was holding Chul when you high kicked him and made his composure even more disheveled.

Taehyung was successful taking the gun out of his enemy's hand as he slouched him down with his punches and kicks.

Taehyung pinned him on the ground and started to beat the shit out of him.

He punched him with both hands, one of them had the gun in it.
Chul's face was bleeding badly because of the metal hitting him continuously.

You joined him when you made a kick or two, sending shivers down his body.

Bitterness was clear in his eyes as he looked at you but he couldn't move a muscle under Taehyung's hold and body weight on him.

He was shouting curses and swear words about your parents and Taehyung.

Taehyung was dangerously close to groping his neck and sending him to hell right in the moment.

It was only few minutes later that the enemy stopped fighting back and surrendered.

His eyes closed as he fainted because of Taehyung's punches.

With one last kick, Taehyung got to his feet and stood beside you, wondering what to do.

He faced you with uncertainty in his eyes.

His face had a few cuts, two of them bleeding a little too much.

You wanted to raise your hand and press them so that the blood would stop oozing.

You wanted to give him the handkerchief in your pocket to press onto his wounds.

His gaze was intent and seamlessly integrated to your fears. He just couldn't stop finding words in your eyes.  He wanted a response, something from you.

He wanted you to say something or express in victorious smile or a tired cry.

He waited for you to come running into his arms or slap him for his dishonesty and mistakes.

He wanted you to do something instead of looking at him with emptiness in your eyes, fogged with dense disappointment.

He walked closer.

You felt your heart race another time.

You didn't know why you didn't step back like you usually did. You didn't know why your eyes didn't move straight to the ground.

You stood there like a stone, still, eyes never leaving his as he walked towards you.

One of his hand went to your clothes and he started to button your formal clothing that you had brought for your internship.

When his hand brushed your breast, you looked down to his left handand immediately slapped them away.

Taehyung gasped and let his finger flick your neck with the gun in his hand and make you face him.

"Put your hands up!!"

Policemen walked into the room.

Taehyung gasped and your eyes followed his eyes, to his other hand that held a gun.

Your legs felt weak as you saw three policemen walk closer to the two of you as you rose your hands above your head.

With the corner of your eye, you could see Taehyung biting his lip.

You looked around the room, one of the enemies men was moving and was probably getting to his feet in next few moments.

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