verse thirteen

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I can't believe that he put me in here.

The tears are flowing down my cheeks, not because I'm locked up in this horrible dungeon, but because of Moonlight's death. 

The thought that he's dead makes me tighten my grip on the necklace he gave me, but I forgot that I grabbed the whip yesterday, and I cry out in pain as I let go of the necklace, and take a look at my hand.

My hand is all swollen, and I have a thick cut on my palm where the blood is rushing out of. A tear escapes my eye, and I look around, in search for something to stop the bleeding, and spot the blanket. 

I grab it as soon as I lay eyes on it and press it against my cut.

It's when I breathe out and lean against the wall behind me that I remember that I have also a wound on my back. 

I groan and arch my back, squeezing my eyes closed. I bring my knees up to my chest, and lay my head on it, a sob leaving my mouth.

I hear something in the distance, footsteps. They come closer and closer, and they stop in front of my door.

When I look up, my eyes meet the blue ones from Damon. My blood begins to boil at his sight, and a while later I hear the door being unlocked. 

It's an awful silence as I watch how he enters the room and closes the door behind him.

My eyes follow his every move, watching how he takes a seat in front of me, on the ground and he leans back against the wall. My hatred radiates off of me, and I look at him in disgust, anger, and hate.

"Angel," he starts carefully. "What do you want?" I manage to grit out, fury coursing through me.

"Before you scream at me, let me tell you something first," he says. I look at him with burning hatred and clench my good hand into a fist.

"How could you?" I ask with a trembling voice. "You knew! You knew how much he meant to me! And now he's..."

I can't even finish my sentence as tears start to blur my sight.

"You took him away from me," I whisper, closing my eyes.

"Angel, you have to listen carefully as to what I'm about to say," Damon says calmly. I look up at him and almost laugh. He wants me to stay calm when he killed the wolf I love?

I open my mouth to protest but he raises his eyebrows at me, without words daring me to talk back.

I don't know why, but I close my mouth, motioning for him to continue to speak.

"You remember that day when Ian attacked you in the woods?" he asks me.

I nod. How could I not? Ian called me awful names that I won't ever forget.

"Well, later when you left, Ian came to me, and we were discussing some things about the rules and stuff. I knew he wanted to hurt you because he hates it when he gets humiliated, and when you escaped him it just angered him further. So, that's when I came with the idea to kill Gregor," he says. 

I cover my mouth with my hand to muffle the sob that escapes my mouth, and close my eyes, letting the tears roll over my cheeks. I hear Damon sigh, and he continues.

"I told him that you were connected to him, and he liked that idea. But what Ian didn't know is that you have to use a lot more than a few bullets to kill a wolf," he says.

I frown, and look up to him, not understanding what he's trying to say.

"I made a setup, I went to Gregor and explained everything to him. As soon as he heard your name, he was ready to do anything to protect you. A couple of bullets can't kill a wolf, Angel. God made them, for your information. He made them punish the Souls here in some way, and of course, the bullets caused a little wound but nothing too serious."

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