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I am going to dance on their graves, those ungrateful souls of the population, after everything I have done for them. They will never understand. They do not understand that I could summon dragons to burn them alive, cast plagues to kill them. I would tell them it was my brother; they never believe that I could be evil, how is it possible?

I walk to the oldest part of the library and scan every book looking for what spells or plague to used against them. The door rattled open and closed.

"Hello?" My voice echoes around the room.

Only a few were allowed in this part of the library, those are worthy of this information. Most of the information here is too powerful for the general being so I only allow the most powerful down here. One of the old Kings had the idea that changes with every new monarch.

Deciding to ignore it, blaming the wind or my tiredness causing me to hear things, I turn back to the book, reading old spells and different plague and illness. Suddenly I hear footsteps from my left.

"Mason is that you?" I turn to face the noise, again my voice echo out, reverberating around and no one answer.

Leaving my book open on the table, I walk towards the sound, throwing a protection charm around myself. If it was my brother, I was not going to allow him to attack me even in jest.

"Mason, I am going to find you" filing the air in a singsong tone. Deciding I would find them faster with magic I made a small arrow in my hand, it spans around for a second before the hand pointed behind me. I hear the footsteps in all direction so I turn slowly. There was a body with a sword, their face covers with a helmet and charm mail over any skin still showing.

"Hello, who are you then? You are to talk to be my brother"

I studied them, trying to work out who they were. The hair on the back of my neck stood on en, a high guard armour on, one of the highest, judging by the design and colour of the armour.

"Guard, stand down that's an order"

The guard steps forwards, heading towards me but they hit the edge of my charm.

'Brother, stop messing around, dressing up like a high guard' I sent my thoughts to my brother, chuckling.

'Sister, be serious, I am not with you, I am too busy with my prodigy. It is probably one of your lot'

'Brother I am being serious'

As the guard stood there, I smelt the air to see if they had a scent. It smelt like the air after a rain shower and freshly made fudge. I love the smell.

"Who are you? I know I am sure"

I look them in the eyes, I know the person. I listed everyone I know, saw their face trying to match these beautiful eyes then I remember.

"No, no please, before doing anything please I need you to understand, I can explain, please. I need to do this, they will never understand, they never have, it started when we were human, we knew nothing else please"

The sword pierced my heart, knowing I was going to die I needed my ideas to survive. My brother, he will understand, only he will understand. My life ending is only the beginning.

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