Thirteen • The Thing about Playing Cupid

Start from the beginning

"She has hundreds of plants. She won't need another." he replied.

"What if she does?" I queried.

"I'M A CREEP." he said as he hid under a pillow and continuously slammed it into his face.

"And uh, --I'm a weirdo?"


"I-- Wait, are we solving your problems through song or is it just me?"

"ATHENA, HELP ME ON THIS." Fitz exclaimed as he threw the pillow off his face and toward the floor. It stayed down there with his unfinished laundry and socks.

"FINE FINE! I'll help. I'll play cupid or whatever." I said as I threw my controller and Lays packet over to the side and crossed my arms.

"THANK YOU." he said.

Fitz enthusiastically brightened up as he sat back on his bed. He was smiling bashfully with his glasses all wonky on his nose bridge as he rubbed his nape shyly.

"Is it possible if uh, you do all the talking and I'll just get her directly after?" he asked.

I shot him a confused look and I couldn't help but picture me doing all the swooning until I just send Maya off to Fitz in a care package or something similar to that.

"Like when you whisper to your mom what you want at McDonald's and she tells it to the cashier so you get the benefit of not speaking but still have your order?"

Fitz nodded hesitantly and agreed.

"Something like that, yeah."

For a second, Fitz looked hopeful. Too bad it was me he approached. The nerve of this guy to ask me to do such things was unreal. This was exactly what Owen would do if such situation arrived.

Being anti-person is not a good enough reason to completely avoid going through the process of getting to know the person better. Having me do all the dirty work so he can eat some spaghetti and meatballs in some fancy Italian restaurant with Maya is not what I pictured playing cupid was like.

"No." I answered plainly.

Fitz slumped his shoulders and had a pleading look in his eyes. He clasped his hands in prayer as he scooted over to my side and pleaded.

"ATHENA, PLEASE. JUST THIS ONCE." he said with those big, puppy eyes for a more dramatic effect

I shook my head and shot him a playful smile. I just love torturing people like this.

I think it's time Fitz gets to interact with the real world instead of shooting down demons in some intergalactic video game. He could use some practice.

"I'm sorry Fitz but you've got to work your butt off to get a girl like Maya."

He looked askance and lost as he stood up from his bed and brushed off his pants. As he stood, Fitz paced back and forth in his room and he was obviously blabbering something.

"I don't know how to get Maya. I don't know how to get a girl like Maya. I don't know how to get ANY GIRL. ANY PERSON TOO. Holy shit, I'm the WORSE." he blabbered on and on.

I sighed and stood up as well, following wherever Fitz's footsteps would take him.

This guy needs a lot of work done.

"Fitz, CALM DOWN." I said, standing up as well as I raised my arms to hold him down by his shoulders as soon as I caught up with him by his stack of dirty clothes yet to be put inside the common washing machine.

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